"On the way to the first step"
A little more shaky, but with an incredible amount of proud in the eyes, her baby dares to take the first steps of her own. At this point in development, the once awkward tiny gradually becomes a toddler.
Explore the world step by step
For you as parents, this is more than a milestone. It is a turning point. As soon as your child has recognized which incredible possibilities are now opening up, a new and mostly incredibly gripping phase of life begins.

Learning in nature
Until then, it also took some time. Many parents wonder if their child develops well. Especially when peers are already walking through the area diligently and not thinking about putting their own baby on their own legs. Never worry too big on this point. A child develops in so -called stages. In addition, your little sunshine never experiences several larger development steps at the same time. So if your child is still shaky on their feet, it may already speak more than others or is ahead of other children in terms of food intake.

Babies develop differently quickly
In the following, you will only read guidelines that offer you a clue when it comes to a baby learning. Children develop individually.
The leg muscles have to develop first
In the first few months, the leg muscles are simply not enough to wear the small body. But that changes. If you take a closer look, you will see how often your little sunshine lifts the legs, struggles and moves. All of these are unconscious but very effective exercises to strengthen the muscles. You can even support your baby a little.
A game sheet, for example, ensures that the small diaper carrier not only uses the hands, but also wants to move the many interesting things about it with your feet.
Around the fifth month, your baby can already stand on her thighs with her help. This is a very funny time. Because their offspring discovers the ability to jump. The little earthly citizen gets away from her thighs with his legs and has a lot of fun. Sometimes some parents rely on the so -called baby builders. These are frames that are clamped in the door frame, for example, and the baby is put in a device. The elastic ligaments support jumping.
However, experts consider this with skepticism. Better let your little angel bounce on your legs. This not only strengthens the legs, but also trust in each other.

Pulling up on objects is the beginning of learning to run
First stand tests
Around the ninth and tenth month of life, small children discover the ability to pull themselves up on objects. An exciting time. Make sure that you have no pieces of furniture or other items nearby that are shaky and could overturn.
There they hold on and shine over both cheeks. Now it is only a question of a few weeks before the little angel dares to attempts.
Do you use running learning aids if a baby is supposed to learn to run?
Parents repeatedly come across offers that are advertised as so -called running learning aids. They supposedly help to take first attempts at walking. However, please refrain from devices in which you have to put your child in. These running learning aids prevent natural development rather than supporting them. In any case, the little ones don't learn to run. A baby wants to run and don't just want to go there.

A travel car as a learning aid
On the other hand, sliding aids or so -called travel vehicles have proven to be positive for learning. They support the baby while learning. Your little grate can push these devices in front of you and broken to take his first steps. It is important here that the roles do not slide too easily.
Tentative steps along the furniture
They experience the miracle around the first birthday. Your baby will run! The first clumsy steps run for learning along the familiar furniture. First of all, the offspring tentatively push the feet over the ground. Later there are the first real attempts at walking. And these increase in a remarkable speed. The diaper carrier now combines the rooms at lightning speed. If the furniture no longer offers a stop, then it continues on all fours.
Now of course they are in demand. Because the first attempts at walking without help are the last step in the direction of running.
First of all, you will hold your hands and support the baby while running. Now encourage it to run yourself. To do this, sit down only a few meters away on the soft, but stable surface. Keep your arms open so that you will spur your child to come to you.
Barefoot or do you prefer baby shoes? What is good for young people?
Barefoot! As long as it is possible, let your little sweetheart run barefoot. This is the only way to strengthen the muscles and fine motor skills. Babies who learn to run in summer have a small advantage. You can take your clumsy steps for hours on a soft meadow, without baby shoes.
However, it doesn't work without baby shoes. As long as your tiny is still exploring the world, they recommend soft baby finli. These special baby shoes protect the delicate foot primarily from the cold. You will find the baby shoes knitted for the first three months and made of soft leather for the upcoming months of life.
The baby shoes offers enough freedom, so that the foot does not feel restricted, nor is the development of motor skills influence. As soon as your baby wants to run, socks with a rubber stopper are recommended. Especially when the offspring on cold substrates in the house, such as on tiles, dares to take its first steps.
Really firm footwear is only an option when the child is well on foot. But then of course the parents ask themselves again: are running shoes really necessary?
How important are running shoes?
As soon as the child wants to explore the world on its own feet, running shoes are recommended. But of course you also have to pay attention to a few essential things here. Running shoes are special baby shoes that help the baby learn to run. It is important that the sole is soft and flexible. This is the only way to continue to learn to roll off the foot properly. A soft material is also important. The heel should be protected. Therefore, this area of the shoe is somewhat reinforced. Depending on the weather and season, different running shoes are offered. Always make sure that the shoe is flexible.
By the way, finding out the right shoe size is not that difficult. Put the foot of your sunshine on a cardboard and draw a template from the children's foot. Cut it out and simply take it with you for buying shoes.