«You are asking yourself, am I ready for this adventure? »
A central question that many expectant parents ask themselves. In today's intensive time, in which we all live a completed and challenging everyday life, little time often remains to be tuned optimally on the new role - the role of parent. There is little space to prepare yourself emotionally for the new phase of life. And to listen to your own questions that this probably the greatest change in life brings with it!
During pregnancy, not only the body of the expectant mother, but also the thoughts of the mother and father, changes to write a completely new script suddenly. Again and again I hear from wonderful mindful thoughts that make the expectant parents in relation to the upcoming responsibility. They deal with the high demands to bring everything under a "hat" and at the same time to be able to live the self -realization and their own needs. And often questions about the financial and spatial situation also arise. And of course also on the current and changing standard of living.
A good start to life - and into the new role
Fortunately, many of these questions can be clarified with the deeper discussion. The most important aspect can be seen that you can already change a lot to be stress -free in the new responsibility. Your baby is already there and part of the system. The baby also wants to grow on the physical and psychological level. It is ready and looking forward to intensifying the connection to you and together to consolidate the relationship even more intensely. A good start to life And in the new role as a parent, the basis and, so to speak, the foundation stone for the journey of life together - and is therefore Extremely important!
Strengthen the connection to your own child
You still don't know what your child will look like and what character it brings with it. But as a mother you feel the living being directly in me. And as a father, you may be lucky every now and then to feel the child on the stomach of the mom with your hands.

A deep and solid connection also strengthens you and your child on the spiritual level. The intimate connection makes you a fulfilling mommy or happy dad with ease and trust. Through that intimate teamwork your self -confidence and motivation are encouraged. This loving relationship is directly related to yours Health and development Your baby. People with good relationships are happier on average and live longer. You have a stronger immune system and more positive life energy.
Successfully master border situations
Yes, there will be the moments of their own border experience and the stress with a newborn baby. The most beautiful adventure in the world is, among other things, so intense because we can learn more and more at this moment. There is no dodging or moving to later. Often we hardly have time to think about. We are required to act exactly at the moment of the campaign. In the here and now. It helps very much to know good and simple “tools” for the stressful everyday life in advance. You yours own kraft oases To be aware that you can use for yourself. These precious resources will help you to activate the desired calm and serenity again so that you can enjoy your parents' being completely.The connection Give it with people own life its value and meaning.
What happens in the mindset of your child in the first few months?
The top goal of a baby in the first few hours is to grow and thrive. It wants to survive and secure its own existence. But what happens on the mental level of the child during these intensive months? And what effects does this development have on further life? When does the baby start to step down from the so-called symbiosis relationship to the mother? What mental injuries can arise during these phases? And how can you optimally accompany these processes with your child?
If you develop a deeper understanding of these processes and the basic deep psychological theories, the suffering and stress get less space. And inspires you to actively and positively influence your life and your child's life
Meet your heart and welcome it - unique training course Baby Love
Would you like to deepen your findings and expand your consciousness? A good start is important to you too and you want to consciously welcome your child with the heart?
Then discover the unique and fulfilling Training course Baby Love (Weekend course, 1.5 days, Friday evening & Saturday) from the Akabe - the Academy for Consciousness and Energy. We would like to thank you for your mindful preparation for your new role - the adventure of parents - and we are really happy to welcome you soon in the next Baby Love course!
More information about the Baby Love course:
Raphaela Jud wrote this wonderful blog entry.

She is a two -time mommy and trained in the areas of psychology and depth psychology. With the Akabe, it is committed to fulfillment in life using modern personality development offers.
True to the motto: more live in your life!