Kindergarten & school

Just a baby and big enough to go to kindergarten. When the time comes, parents greet the event with a laughing and a crying eye. Laughing because your child will now find new playmates and many small adventures will exist. Crying because the little ones just grow up too quickly and you don't have them all day. To make it easier to get started with kindergarten, it is best to put together a great package of gifts for kindergarten.

Znüniset lion CHF 43.90
Znüniset farm CHF 43.90

Practical small accessories

Practical small accessories

For the first time away from mom and dad, many new people in an unknown environment - the first day in kindergarten can be a bit intimidating for many children. But it doesn't have to. Talk to your sweetheart in detail and take the fear of the unknown to him. Enjoy your offspring with a few pretty gifts that do excellent services in this new phase of life.

For the first time away from mom and dad, many new people in an unknown environment - the first day in kindergarten can be a bit intimidating for many children. But it doesn't have to. Talk to your sweetheart in detail and take the fear of the unknown to him. Enjoy your offspring with a few pretty gifts that do excellent services in this new phase of life.

Znünibox and drinking bottle - gifts for kindergarten in the set

Znünibox and drinking bottle - gifts for kindergarten in the set

Eating and drinking keeps body and soul together - this also applies to the little ones. Parents are careful, their child healthy food such as fruit, vegetables and bread in the Fnünibox to pack. From time to time a little snack does not harm. Absolutely fitting is one Drinking bottle for children, best decorated with names. Of course, the kindergarten gift should be selected to match the taste of the child. Stars, dinosaurs, rockets or unicorns - these are the classic motifs that make children's eyes shine. A name also prevents confusion and possibly disputes. In addition, every child is happy when they know that it has something very own for themselves. Individual gifts are always welcome.

Eating and drinking keeps body and soul together - this also applies to the little ones. Parents are careful, their child healthy food such as fruit, vegetables and bread in the Fnünibox to pack. From time to time a little snack does not harm. Absolutely fitting is one Drinking bottle for children, best decorated with names. Of course, the kindergarten gift should be selected to match the taste of the child. Stars, dinosaurs, rockets or unicorns - these are the classic motifs that make children's eyes shine. A name also prevents confusion and possibly disputes. In addition, every child is happy when they know that it has something very own for themselves. Individual gifts are always welcome.

Practical space for all kinds of little things: the kindergarten bag

Practical space for all kinds of little things: the kindergarten bag

Another great gift for kindergarten is that Kindergarten bag. It can be stowed away in many little things that their offspring needs in everyday life - such as hat, gloves. The Znünibox and drinking bottle also fit in here. Tempos, other delicacies and useful aids can be found as much as one or the other toys. Such bags are also available in numerous cute designs and beautiful colors. For example, girls are happy about a mermaid or horses. Unicorns form the motive of choice if their child likes to immerse themselves in fairy tale worlds. For boys there is the classic blue with a farm motif or monster truck. Of course, you don't have to adhere to such a classic division. It is important that you hit the individual taste of your favorite. With these children's gifts, too, you have the opportunity to have the name of your offspring printed on it.

Let's go into the new time with a lot of vigor
Kindergarten period is an exciting, new phase of life that has many surprises and experiences. Even if your child is initially unsure - that will change quickly. Just prepare it for the big first day and give it time to get used to it. Child -friendly and imaginative gifts for kindergarten with practical use make it easier to get started.

Another great gift for kindergarten is that Kindergarten bag. It can be stowed away in many little things that their offspring needs in everyday life - such as hat, gloves. The Znünibox and drinking bottle also fit in here. Tempos, other delicacies and useful aids can be found as much as one or the other toys. Such bags are also available in numerous cute designs and beautiful colors. For example, girls are happy about a mermaid or horses. Unicorns form the motive of choice if their child likes to immerse themselves in fairy tale worlds. For boys there is the classic blue with a farm motif or monster truck. Of course, you don't have to adhere to such a classic division. It is important that you hit the individual taste of your favorite. With these children's gifts, too, you have the opportunity to have the name of your offspring printed on it.

Let's go into the new time with a lot of vigor
Kindergarten period is an exciting, new phase of life that has many surprises and experiences. Even if your child is initially unsure - that will change quickly. Just prepare it for the big first day and give it time to get used to it. Child -friendly and imaginative gifts for kindergarten with practical use make it easier to get started.

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