
Whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner - shared meals are an essential part of harmonious family life. Not only is delicious food eaten, but extensive conversations are also held. Mealtimes together are also great fun for the youngest members of the family. The eye eats along with the food, so it's not just the meal itself that counts. The little ones in particular love colorful decorations and cute pictures. These can be found not only on matching children's tableware, but also on personalized placemats, which will bring your little darling a special treat. The versatile and fun motifs can be completed with the child's name if desired. These placemats keep dirt and crumbs off the tablecloth and provide a place at the dining table that your child will look forward to and enjoy sitting at.

Fabric placemat kitten CHF 11.90 CHF 14.90
Fabric placemat sailor CHF 11.90 CHF 14.90
Fabric placemat lion CHF 11.90 CHF 14.90
Fabric placemat baby giraffe CHF 11.90 CHF 14.90
Fabric placemat giraffe girl CHF 11.90 CHF 14.90
Fabric placemat unicorn pink CHF 11.90 CHF 14.90
Fabric placemat bear CHF 11.90 CHF 14.90
Fabric placemat magic fairy CHF 11.90 CHF 14.90
Fabric placemat fox CHF 11.90 CHF 14.90
Fabric placemat Goose March CHF 11.90 CHF 14.90

The perfect space set for the table

The perfect space set for the table

Children love colorful, individual objects. The table set is no exception. For this reason, you will receive numerous table sets in the Zwergehuus online shop, which you can have individually printed. Each set of space has a certain basic design. For example, this can be a colorful underwater world motif, a sweet star fairy, a landscape with animals and many other imaginative pictures. After you have chosen the design that will enjoy your offspring, you can add a special, individual note to the space set by printing the child's name. The latter adorns the space and ensures incomparably beautiful and personal facets. At which point the name of your favorite is placed depends on the respective designs of the table sets. Let yourself be inspired by the different versions and select your individual favorites. Of course, several table sets with names can also be printed. Whether for your own child or for the offspring of friends and acquaintances - as a gift idea, such a space set is ideally suited and always conjures up a smile in the face.

Buy table sets in the dwarf

In our handicraft shop you can expect a particularly varied selection of accessories for children. Look forward to creative table sets with names and discover many other articles that give the children great pleasure. In addition to the square cakes, for example, our baby blankets and pillows are high quality Leather finli And the multifaceted Craft material, with which creative people can let off steam, very popular. A place set and many other beautiful articles in our shop delight parents and children equally. Convince yourself of the size of our range and look forward to creative hours. In the dwarf online shop, individuality is in the foreground every day.

Children love colorful, individual objects. The table set is no exception. For this reason, you will receive numerous table sets in the Zwergehuus online shop, which you can have individually printed. Each set of space has a certain basic design. For example, this can be a colorful underwater world motif, a sweet star fairy, a landscape with animals and many other imaginative pictures. After you have chosen the design that will enjoy your offspring, you can add a special, individual note to the space set by printing the child's name. The latter adorns the space and ensures incomparably beautiful and personal facets. At which point the name of your favorite is placed depends on the respective designs of the table sets. Let yourself be inspired by the different versions and select your individual favorites. Of course, several table sets with names can also be printed. Whether for your own child or for the offspring of friends and acquaintances - as a gift idea, such a space set is ideally suited and always conjures up a smile in the face.

Buy table sets in the dwarf

In our handicraft shop you can expect a particularly varied selection of accessories for children. Look forward to creative table sets with names and discover many other articles that give the children great pleasure. In addition to the square cakes, for example, our baby blankets and pillows are high quality Leather finli And the multifaceted Craft material, with which creative people can let off steam, very popular. A place set and many other beautiful articles in our shop delight parents and children equally. Convince yourself of the size of our range and look forward to creative hours. In the dwarf online shop, individuality is in the foreground every day.

Tischsets im Zwergehuus kaufen

Tischsets im Zwergehuus kaufen

In unserem Bastelshop erwartet Sie eine besonders abwechslungsreiche Auswahl an Zubehör für Kinder. Freuen Sie sich auf kreative Tischsets mit Namen und entdecken Sie viele weitere Artikel, die den Kindern grosse Freude bereiten. Neben den Platzdeckchen sind zum Beispiel unsere Babydecken und Kissen, die hochwertigen Lederfinkli und das facettenreiche Bastelmaterial, mit dem sich Kreative richtig austoben können, sehr beliebt. Ein Platzset und viele weitere schöne Artikel in unserem Shop entzücken Eltern und Kindern gleichermassen. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst von der Grösse unseres Sortiments und freuen Sie sich auf kreative Stunden. Im Zwergehuus Onlineshop steht die Individualität jeden Tag im Vordergrund.

In unserem Bastelshop erwartet Sie eine besonders abwechslungsreiche Auswahl an Zubehör für Kinder. Freuen Sie sich auf kreative Tischsets mit Namen und entdecken Sie viele weitere Artikel, die den Kindern grosse Freude bereiten. Neben den Platzdeckchen sind zum Beispiel unsere Babydecken und Kissen, die hochwertigen Lederfinkli und das facettenreiche Bastelmaterial, mit dem sich Kreative richtig austoben können, sehr beliebt. Ein Platzset und viele weitere schöne Artikel in unserem Shop entzücken Eltern und Kindern gleichermassen. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst von der Grösse unseres Sortiments und freuen Sie sich auf kreative Stunden. Im Zwergehuus Onlineshop steht die Individualität jeden Tag im Vordergrund.

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