The job of a babysitter is a task that requires a great sense of responsibility and empathy. A few important aspects should be taken into account, especially to ensure a successful start. All the tips for a successful start as a babysitter can be found in the following lines. Because happy babysitters mean happy children and happy parents.
Babysitting as additional income
Babysitting is an excellent way to earn some money on the side. Pupils and students are particularly keen to take advantage of this opportunity to supplement their ever-scarce pocket money. But many housewives and mothers also like to earn some extra money by looking after other children for a few hours a week.

Babysitting - a great job if you keep a few important things in mind
However, it is not uncommon for babysitters to find that they are a little overwhelmed with their tasks during the job: the whining baby, the full diapers, the unfamiliar surroundings - all these factors can be quite nerve-wracking. To avoid getting into such a situation, you should take the following babysitting tips to heart.
The 5 most important babysitting tips at a glance
1. "Babysitting diploma"
To significantly increase your chances of getting a job, you can take a babysitting course at the Red Cross or at the local family education center and obtain a so-called "babysitting diploma". In such a course, you will learn about feeding, behavior and changing a child. You will learn the legal basics of a babysitting job and also take part in an 8-hour first aid course, which deals specifically with babies and toddlers. If you have such a diploma, this gives parents the assurance that you know how to deal with children professionally.
2. build trust
When you meet the parents and the child for the first time, you should of course come across as trustworthy as possible. This means that cleavage down to the navel, T-shirts with ambiguous prints and miniskirts are taboo. If you smoke, you should refrain from doing so during your job if possible. Make a well-groomed, open-minded impression. Try to make initial contact with the offspring. This will not only show the parents to what extent the chemistry between you and the offspring is right, but you can also see for yourself whether you would get on well.

A serious demeanor towards the parents is an absolute must
3. show interest
Find out about the child's dislikes, habits and preferences during the first few conversations. Not only does this make a particularly good impression, but it also helps you immensely if you know something about the child.
4. seriousness is important
When you look after the baby for the first time, the same rules apply as when you first meet the parents. Look well-groomed and avoid wearing flashy, uncomfortable clothing. You should also avoid wearing jewelry, as long necklaces or similar can quickly become dangerous for the child when playing. Choose a casual wardrobe, as it is of course possible that your clothes will get a stain or two while babysitting.
5. avoid distractions
You should concentrate exclusively on the baby while babysitting. During this time, devices such as cell phones, MP3 players and the like should be given a break. Lengthy phone calls or studying for school are also taboo during the babysitting job.

Allowing yourself to be distracted by cell phones or similar is inexcusable
Helpful babysitting tips for keeping children occupied
A large part of babysitting is keeping the children occupied. But it's not always easy to keep toddlers entertained through play. That's why variety is key, but the games should also be adapted to the child's age:
Keeping babies occupied: attracting attention and interest
When a baby is not sleeping, it wants to discover the world. That's why little ones get bored quickly, which can lead to wild screaming and whining. It is important that you take the time to provide enough varied entertainment. The best time to do this is between waking and feeding.
You can play finger games and sing songs with your baby before feeding. Hold them in your arms, make faces and encourage them to imitate you.
A cuddly blanket has a particularly calming effect and many babies also use it as a comforter in their dreams.
You can also use it to play some interesting baby games, such as "peek-a-boo" or "where am I?". A soft soft toya colorful grasping toy or a nice pram chain with lots of interesting play options are also ideal for keeping your baby occupied while you are looking after them. Clap together, play with hands and feet, rock the child gently from right to left and, if possible, try a soothing baby massage.
Activities from the age of 1: movement is important
From the age of one, babies are much more active and enjoy exploring their environment, which of course needs to be taken into account when giving babysitting tips. Most toddlers can now walk and want to see more than just a few boring cuddly toys. The urge to move is usually very strong at this age, which you should definitely take into account when choosing games. Games that involve rolling, pulling or pushing, such as riding a bobby car, throwing a ball or following a dog on wheels, are well suited. Anything that moves is great fun for children aged 1 and over. A visit to the playground, where the little ones come into contact with other children, is also a good idea at this age. However, you should be prepared for all eventualities. Pack a small bag in which you can store a few important items: Diapers to change, wet wipes, a small snack in a lunchbox and plenty of drinks.
Things to do at nursery age: awaken creativity
Crafts and painting are great activities for kindergarten children. If you have your parents' permission, you should use every free minute to get out into the fresh air. The playground is also great at this age. But a nice walk in the woods is also a lot of fun at this age. If the weather doesn't play ball, you can toys can be made and put them into action. In the fall, for example, you can collect leaves and chestnuts and make funny figures out of them. You can find one or two tips on the Internet. Coloring books, paper and suitable pencils should also be available.

Supervision of school children: Homework help and tips welcome
If you are looking after a schoolchild, your main task will be to help with homework after school. Insist that the tasks are completed promptly after school. The later it gets in the day, the less well the little ones can concentrate. After the schoolchild has finished eating and has had a few minutes to relax, you should motivate the ABC student to complete the homework.