"Delicious recipes for your offspring"
As important as milk for the baby is in the first life, at some point she no longer fed up and satisfied. It comes the time when you prepare the first baby porridge. But when did the time for beet food, potatoes or zucchini come? And what should you consider?
The right time for complementary foods
When the time comes, your baby will send clear signals. Then the time of the first complementary foods. This is a supplementary food intake that is added to breastfeeding or a vial. The transition is therefore quite flowing. It doesn't matter whether your little sunshine is four months, five months or even six months old.

Children develop individually and as parents will instinctively feel it when the right time came to offer the first baby porridge. Prepare yourself and keep beautiful bib and a child -friendly Table set ready. For your child's first attempts at eating, you will definitely need both.
Which porridge is suitable?
Many young parents are a little unsettled at first. No wonder, in the variety of selection, which is offered in the form of finished breas. You don't really have to be impressed. Because you can make baby porridge yourself easily and quickly in your home kitchen.
Baby food gradually builds on new ingredients. You start with just one variety of vegetables and then add something new every week.
Basic to prepare baby porridge
Make sure to use as little or best untreated vegetables as possible. A good idea is therefore better to buy the somewhat more expensive vegetables from the health food store. When cooking, do not cook too long. To gently steam the vegetables is much more recommended.

Untreated gems for baby porridge
Due to the steaming, many important nutrients and vitamins are preserved. In addition, it is important that you always cut the vegetables into small pieces. As a result, the required cooking time for baby food is shortened rapidly. It is a simple task to make a baby porridge yourself, as you can see, that can be carried out quickly.
Delicious recipe ideas to be able to prepare baby porridge
There is certainly an appealing variety when it comes to preparing baby food. We have put together some delicious recipes for you. You can of course vary the specified quantities so that you can create a supply of homemade baby food.

Delicious recipe ideas for baby porridge
Vegetable porridge made of carrots and potatoes
Peel the carrots and cut them into small cubes or pieces. Take a pot and fill it with a little water. Use a dark stone set and first bring the water to boil. Place the carrot pieces on the dark set and let them cook for a few minutes. Feel free to try when the right time is reached to take out the carrots. Now press the pieces with a fork small until a beautiful porridge is created. Add the porridge to a teaspoon of refined oil.

Gemu porridge from carrots
Give the child the pure vegetable porridge for about a week. After that, you can go on to add another ingredient and thus prepare a new baby porridge. Usually they are potatoes that can be supplemented and can also be cooked in the same way.
Baby porridge with meat
After the pure vegetable porridge has been well tolerated, it will also be time to introduce another food: meat. Beef, lamb and chicken are ideal for cooking baby food. There are some baby porridge recipes with meat. Here is a delicious example with beef:
Ingredients for 4 to 5 portions:
- 100g minced meat from beef
- 250g potatoes
- 500g carrots
- 1 half apple (peeled)
- Rapeseed oil
Put the minced meat in a saucepan and fill it up with water until the meat is covered. Let the whole thing simmer for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, peel the carrots and potatoes. Divide them into small pieces and then put them in the pot. Fill up water again until the mass is slightly covered. Simmer again for a good 8 minutes. During the last two minutes, rub the apple and mix it down. Then take the pot from the hotplate, puree everything.

Add a teaspoon of oil and let the porridge cool down. Before you give the porridge to your child, test beforehand whether he is not too hot.
Fruit and grain
Of course, it can also be fresh and fruity. Baby food from fruit is popular with the little ones and supplies the small body with many vitamins. Apple sauce is very popular.

Baby porridge from fruit and grain
Combinations of fruit and grain porridge are ideal as a snack. For the fruit porridge, you can puree mild fruit types such as apple, pear, peach but also bananas.
Required ingredients:
- 3 tablespoons of grain flakes
- 100ml water
- Fruit porridge
First put the water into a saucepan with the cereal flakes and stir it well. Feel free to leave it for a good 5 to 10 minutes. Now stir in the desired fruit porridge.
Before feeding, add a little rapeseed oil again.
Attention: Foods for babies under one year are taboo!
There are a few foods that are generally not suitable for babies under one year. This includes, for example, spices of all kinds. If you prepare baby food and make the baby porridge yourself, you should therefore do without the following foods:
An infant cannot digest cow's milk yet. Therefore, they only give the small Fratz replacement milk in the first year of life. Quark should not yet be eaten due to the high protein content. Raw eggs and raw milk are also taboo due to the high risk of salmonella.

Only give replacement milk in the first year of life
Even if many believe that this natural sweetness appears healthier for baby food, this food carries the risk that the baby's intestine could not process it properly.
Peas, beans and onions
All foods that can lead to flatulence must be avoided. These would only lead to strong abdominal cramps.

Whole nuts are not recommended for babies, as there is a risk that they swallow. However, ground nuts are okay from the age of 6 months - provided that there are no allergies in your family.
Leaf salad
A toddler under one year is not yet able to chew sufficiently.

Gruener baby porridge
Despite these small restrictions, there are still enough opportunities to cook a delicious baby porridge. Simply try out the delicious recipe ideas.
The meaning of baby tableware
So that your sweetheart can eat his baby porridge well, you should also have the right dish set. Since the first attempts will still be quite bumpy, high quality must Baby tableware have certain characteristics that support learning to eat. So the plate should prefer a high, but by no means a sharp border. Of course, the dishes should also be free of pollutants.