" What pregnant women should avoid at all costs "
It is probably one of the most beautiful and happiest moments when a pregnancy is confirmed by a doctor. Especially when there is a desire to have children. From now on, a little person is growing in your belly. An exciting and thrilling time begins and many expectant mothers worry about what is allowed during pregnancy and what is a no-go. Uncertainty is spreading. Especially with regard to nutrition. Because in fact there are now foods that are a no-go.
How much should I eat now? Not twice as much, but twice as good!
Don't drive yourself crazy. There is certainly an incredible amount of well-intentioned advice coming at you. However, always trust your gut feeling.

Make sure you eat a balanced diet during pregnancy
The rumor still circulates that a pregnant woman now has to eat for two. As far as the nutritional requirements of certain minerals, vitamins and trace elements are concerned, this is not so wrong. However, the quantity and number of calories do not have to double.
It is much more important to eat a balanced and conscious diet. It is now important to supply a second organism. Some minerals and vitamins are now needed in larger quantities. Folic acid is one of them. This is responsible for cell division and cell growth and is therefore a key element for the healthy development of the foetus. An increased need for iodine, iron, vitamin B and omega-3 fatty acids must also be met. Pregnant women can take nutritional supplements during this time if their requirements are not sufficiently covered by their diet.
These supplements should of course be taken in consultation with your doctor.
What should you not eat during pregnancy?
Pregnant women must avoid some foods, as some foods are questionable during pregnancy as they can transmit diseases or lead to infections. This primarily applies to raw foods. So take a look at the following foods that are no-gos for pregnant women:

There are various foods you should avoid during pregnancy
Dairy products
Raw milk products should be avoided as they contain bacteria (listeria) that can lead to infection. The immune system is now weakened and the unborn child is not yet sufficiently armed against such bacteria. You should therefore avoid
- untreated fresh milk
- soft cheeses (Brie, Camembert)
- pre-packaged, grated cheese
Meat and sausage products
Raw meat and sausage products that have only been smoked are a no-go. The danger comes from toxoplasma pathogens, which can trigger toxoplasmosis. Although these pathogens are not dangerous for pregnant women, they are fatal for the unborn child as they can lead to brain damage. It is therefore essential to avoid the following:
- Tartare
- carpaccio
- salami
- Smoked ham
- Liver sausage in the first few weeks
- Tea sausage
- rare (bloody) or medium (pink) roasted meat
These foods are another no-go on the menu:
- raw eggs and foods made from them (mayonnaise, tiramisu, soft-serve ice cream)
- Tuna, sushi, sashimi, marinated fish
Furthermore, overly spicy foods, very fatty foods and flatulent vegetables (onions, beans) should be avoided. Although they are not harmful in this sense, they are not particularly pleasant for digestion and quickly lead to heartburn, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Sushi should not be eaten during pregnancy
What about coffee and tea?
Opinions sometimes differ a little here. In general, however, the all-clear can be given for all expectant mothers who cannot do without their morning coffee. One or two cups of coffee a day will not harm the child. Doctors advise preparing coffee thinly and drinking it with plenty of milk. Then nothing stands in the way of enjoyment. The same applies to black tea or mate tea.
No-gos during pregnancy - alcohol and cigarettes are taboo
Alcohol is absolutely taboo during these important months. There is no limit that determines how much alcohol is safe. However, even the smallest amounts (such as in a glass of sparkling wine) can lead to malformations and mental damage. Similarly, pregnancy and smoking never go together. However, these two no-goes should be clear to every expectant mother anyway.

Cigarettes are an absolute no-go during pregnancy!
What else should you avoid during pregnancy?
Apart from the foods and beverages already mentioned, there are a few habits that should be avoided if possible. Long party nights are now a thing of the past. Although stress cannot always be avoided in everyday life, excessive stress is not good. It's better to say "no" more often and take a step back, as this primarily serves to protect the unborn child.
Sport during pregnancy - what is still allowed?
Sporty women ask themselves whether they are still allowed to do sport at all during pregnancy. Of course, keeping fit is permitted and even desirable. After all, sport keeps the cardiovascular system going and boosts the metabolism. However, some types of sport are a no-go during the special nine months.

Preferably switch to special gymnastics and suitable sports during pregnancy
First and foremost are activities that involve a risk of falling, such as horse riding, inline skating, climbing or gymnastics. Contact sports are also a no-go now, as a collision with a teammate is too dangerous.
There are other ways to do sport during pregnancy. It is important that you never aim for best times or top performances. Sport for pregnant women should always be moderate. It is important not to push your pulse above 130 beats per minute and always pay attention to your body's signals.
This sport is suitable for pregnant women:
- Walking
- swimming
- cycling
- Aqua aerobics
- yoga
- Dancing
- gymnastics
Sport during pregnancy also prepares the body very well for the forthcoming birth. The birth demands a lot from the mother-to-be physically. Sporty women, on the other hand, are more resilient and the body does not reach its limits so quickly. So take every opportunity you can to keep moving.

Water gymnastics has established itself as a sport in the last weeks of pregnancy. It relieves stress and is easy to do even with a large belly.
Preparing for the upcoming birth
Lovingly preparing for the birth and furnishing the nursery is not a no-go. It is a small ritual for most parents-to-be when it comes to buying the first baby clothes and packing the bag for the hospital. Don't just think about changing clothes and rompers. A first pacifier, a pacifier chain and a soft dummy are also needed from day one.
At birth, parents like to give their baby a small cuddly toywhich will accompany the child from day one. It is important to think about all these wonderful things during pregnancy.