" What parents need to consider "
Dry skin in babies is not uncommon, as baby skin is very sensitive and the body's own protection is not yet fully developed. Here we explain what to look out for when cleaning and caring for the skin and when a doctor should be consulted.
Causes of dry skin in babies
There are many causes of dry baby skin:
- Baby skin is thinner: In contrast to adults, babies still have very thin skin. Moisture can therefore not be bound well and a lot of liquid evaporates, especially in dry room air.
- The skin surface is large: Compared to adults, babies have a very large skin surface. This also increases the evaporation of moisture from baby skin.
- The sebaceous glands are not yet working optimally: sebum is an important skin protection, but it is not yet fully developed in babies. This makes the upper layer of the skin more susceptible.
- Baby neurodermatitis: Neurodermatitis can occur more frequently in families and manifests itself in dry, scaly patches. It is noticeable that the diaper area is usually spared, as it is kept more moist and evaporation is reduced.
Dry baby skin is therefore neither unusual nor a cause for concern in every case. However, it is important to care for it properly.

Caring for baby skin
Caring for baby skin: What is important?
Various factors need to be taken into account in order to care for dry baby skin properly. These include
- Baths: Cleansing is important, but must be particularly gentle. Baths should not last longer than ten minutes and the water should be lukewarm but not hot. Longer or hot baths remove more moisture and fat. Soaps should also be avoided. Lubricating cleansing products are better.
- Moisture and fluids: Moisturizing creams and a high fluid intake are important against dry skin.
- Oils: Nourishing oils such as almond oil, jojoba, olive or coconut oil provide protection for baby skin. They can be used as a bath additive and for creams and are also suitable for treating cradle cap, for example.
- Drying: Dry baby skin is particularly sensitive and rough. If it is also rubbed with a rough fabric, it loses even more protection and can become very itchy. In addition, oil can also be rubbed off as a bath additive and thus negate its effect. It is better to allow the skin to air dry. However, the room should then be very warm to prevent it from cooling down. Or wrap it up with a soft towel dry with a soft towel. Alternatively, the little one can also be wrapped in a hooded bath towel or protected with a towelling poncho.
- Protect: Dry baby skin often itches and is also more susceptible to irritation. This makes a few points particularly important when cleaning, caring for and dressing your baby. Rough fabrics should be avoided at all costs. Smooth, breathable materials, which ideally also have a slightly cooling effect, are better. This also applies to baby blankets and cuddly blankets. The little ones' fingernails should also be kept short. Otherwise they could scratch their skin bloody.
Dry skin: a case for the doctor?
Dry and even peeling skin on babies is not yet a cause for concern. Proper care, moisturizing and gentle substances usually provide relief in a short time. Nevertheless, it may be necessary to consult a doctor if skin problems occur.

Pediatrician examines baby
This is the case, for example, if:
- Babies suffer from severe atopic dermatitis: If a baby has atopic dermatitis, special care is required. Otherwise, the itching alone can cause constant restlessness and even disturb sleep. It should also be noted that babies with this skin condition often have an increased tendency to allergies.
- Cradle cap does not decrease: Cradle cap, also known as scalp gneiss, is just as normal as dry baby skin. However, if it does not diminish over time despite the use of a suitable moisturizer, special solutions may be required. However, this should be decided by a doctor.
- The skin cracks or bleeds: If the dryness becomes so bad that cracks form or the skin even starts to bleed, a visit to the doctor is urgently required. This is because it is not always just "normal" phenomena that develop over time. Diseases or allergies can also be the cause.
Caring for baby skin when the offspring doesn't want to
Some children are little water mice and love splashing around in the bath right from the start. Others don't like the water at all and let everyone around them know this very clearly. The situation is similar when it comes to applying creams and oils. While some enjoy the massage while rubbing, others have a problem with being undressed. Of course, this also depends on what stage of development the baby is currently in.

Gentle back massage for babies
However, parents can make it easier for themselves to care for their child's sensitive skin. The following tips will help:
- Don't tickle: Dry baby skin itches. It is all the more unpleasant if it is also tickled. It is better to rub it with the flat of your hand and apply creams in the same way.
- Introduce rituals: A short bath to nice music, applying cream while putting on the diaper and bodysuit and then rocking them to sleep - a calming ritual every evening makes it easier for little ones to put up with oil and ointments. It's also good if applying cream is perceived as a caress right from the start. Parents should therefore be particularly gentle and combine care with cuddles.
- Distraction: telling stories, singing, playing with cuddly toys or play a music box - if your little one has an aversion to skin cleansing and care, you should distract them as much as possible. This simplifies the measures for baby and parents.