" Baby showers are becoming increasingly popular here too "
Whether it was planned well in advance or comes as an unexpected surprise, the announcement of a pregnancy is a very special event and reason enough to celebrate. While the baby shower party is a firm tradition in countries such as the USA, Canada and the UK, more and more couples are discovering this wonderful way of celebrating pregnancy in this country too. Incidentally, anyone thinking of a bubble bath with a crowd is quite wrong. We explain the US trend.
Traditional "mom to be" party
The origins of the baby shower can be found in the United States of America. The "mom to be" party was first held in the early 19th century. At that time, however, only women were allowed to attend this celebration. A lot has changed over the decades and today not only partners and fathers-to-be celebrate, but of course friends and family too. Loosely translated, the party is called a baby shower because "it should rain presents" on this day. Giving accessories, clothes and useful things for the baby are simply part of the party, along with a delicious meal and great decorations.
When should the baby shower take place?
The expectant mother should preferably not be close to the due date. Baby showers are often planned and organized by friends or family so that it ends up being a great surprise for the mum-to-be.

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Such a party usually takes place in the last trimester of pregnancy. A time when the unborn child is only gaining weight and size and the mom's belly is getting rounder by the day.
Around the 30th week of pregnancy is the ideal time.
Most women are not yet completely restricted by the size of their belly and the due date is still a reasonable distance away. After all, it has already happened that due to all the joy and excitement, the baby wanted to attend the party in person.
Why is a mommy party being organized?
Anticipation is the greatest joy. That much is certain and when you are pregnant, this form of joy takes on a whole new and previously unknown dimension. The joy of the soon-to-be-born child is difficult to describe. So it's all the nicer that the tradition of baby shower parties is now slowly finding its way here too. Pregnancy is undoubtedly a unique and deeply moving time in a woman's life. The baby shower is held in honor of the pregnant woman and is intended to heighten the anticipation of the birth of the child.

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There are countless gift ideas for this. Most people are more than surprised at first when they suddenly realize how much is involved in a first gift. The nice thing about the parties for the parents-to-be is that after the baby shower they already have a certain amount of basic equipment for the newborn.
Where will the party take place and how will it be decorated?
Of course, this depends first and foremost on whether the party is to be a surprise for the pregnant woman or whether she is to be included in the planning. You decide this for yourself.
Most expectant mothers feel more comfortable in familiar surroundings. That's why we recommend the apartment or house of friends or family if you want it to be a surprise.
Once the location has been found, it's time for the decorations. There are wonderful party sets available for this, which offer everything you need. For example, you can use sprinkle decorations for the chic table setting. The baby shower decorations are either in a soft pink or light blue. If you don't yet know whether it will be a girl or a boy, then simply mix up the decorations. Of course, when it comes to babies, children and expectant mothers, balloons and garlands are a must.
Beautiful ideas for baby gifts
At a baby shower, the pregnant woman is naturally showered with gifts for the newborn. These do not necessarily have to be given in a classic gift box. At a real baby shower, you have far more and, above all, truly unique options at your disposal.
For example, how about stretching a washing line across the room and hanging baby bodysuits on it, a baby shower, baby finches, a bath towel, a washcloth made of soft terry cloth and a hooded towel. There really are so many wonderful things to choose from.
Particularly popular are personalized baby gifts.
If the child's name is not yet known, simply personalize it with a funny nickname. Instead of the name, you could write "Little angel", "Sunshine", "Fratz" or "Diaper wearer". With a little skill and patience, you can even make a baby gift yourself. The right craft materials can be ordered quickly. How about a grasping toy or a handmade pacifier chain? In any case, individual gifts bring a lot of joy.
If you have no idea what to give the parents-to-be, a gift voucher is also a good idea. Then mom and dad are spoiled for choice and can choose the baby gifts themselves. Sometimes gift vouchers are a great addition to a small gift, as parents can still choose baby things they like and things that are still urgently needed.
Fun game ideas
Anyone who thinks that a party like this has to be rather quiet is mistaken. A baby shower can really be something special. However, it is always important that the mother-to-be is doing well and that the party does not degenerate into stress. The focus is, of course, on the newborn and everything that has to do with it. From changing and feeding to getting dressed for the first walk.

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A baby doll is the secret star at such a party. When it comes to putting on the diaper and even after time! Or getting dressed. From the bodysuit to the pants to the shirt and the baby finches. A real challenge for untrained hands. Of course, drinking games are also very popular. Tears are often shed when it comes to emptying a feeding bottle as quickly as possible. After all, adults have been out of practice for many years.

If the party is only taking place with friends, you could also use the party as an opportunity to make grasping toys and dummy chains together. All you need for this is the right crafting equipment and the creative group can get to work for the mum-to-be. They can make matching dummy chains, baby carriage chains, clutching toys or tags for changing bags on the spot - a fun task guaranteed.