"Game and fun with bright colors"
Handicrafts with finger colors are a wonderful job for children and adults are still happy to participate. It promotes creativity and offers many ways to let your imagination run wild. You can find out tips and handicrafts here.
Dwarfs with colors in use
When tinkering with finger colors, of course, the question is: From what age can children use the colors without any problems? Basically, finger colors are suitable for small children from 1.5 years. It is important that they are not poisonous and approved for children. You can find information on this in the product description. In too small children there is a risk that they lick their fingers or do other nonsense. Kleckser don't quickly land on that Craft material, but on the table, carpet, clothing, on the face or on pretty furniture. It is important accordingly that your offspring already has sufficient motor skills. In addition, a parent should always be there to monitor that the handicraft lesson does not turn out to the color battle.

Otherwise, leave your darling free hand to choose his motifs. Whether he paints targeted shapes or just presses on it - certainly no masterpieces of the very smallest. This activity is always fun.
Handprints for eternity - the possibilities are diverse
When tinkering with children, there are great gifts and memories. The small hands of offspring in particular provide an ingenious template here: these can easily be dipped in finger color and pressed on all sorts of materials as desired. For example, handprints can be used on paper, cardboard, walls, a canvas or on one Nuscheli be immortalized. A personalized Nuscheli with the name of the child is ideal, for example, ideal for hand or footprints. Such a fabric towel accompanies her offspring in early childhood over several years, is used to cuddle and cuddle, donate security and later represents a great souvenir of the first phase of life of their treasure.

Handprint from different years of age is a very special memorial
Creative pictures can also be taken with the handprints, such as the wings of a bird, spiders and much more. A wonderful butterfly or an angel is created with two footprints. During the Christmas season, the handprints of the children can produce unique snowflakes and Christmas stars. Such pictures not only make themselves excellent on a Nuscheli, but also come on one Baby Poncho Goodby.

The handprints can still be cut out after drying and glued on a wooden stick. These little flags are suitable as an eye -catcher in a bouquet of flowers or a plant pot. With a little message, such a creation represents a great gift for Mother's Day or birthday.
Handicrafts with finger colors - fantastic ideas for enchanting crafting hours
Handicrafts with finger colors don't just limit us to painting. The misuse of all sorts of objects from the household or various foods sometimes makes sense: for example, potatoes in the middle can be cut through and the interfaces can be used as a stamp. Especially creative parents can continue to carve small motifs into the potato with the knife, such as hearts or other geometric forms. Small children love these stamps and usually no longer put them down. Make sure not to use objects as a stamp on which children could injure themselves.

Other handicraft materials such as Handicrafts Or colorful cords are suitable as part of the pictures. Small pearls can be placed in the still wet finger color, for example, and adhere to the paper after drying. If you have cords at home, they can be pulled through the color and then over the painting area. This creates funny and abstract pictures for the children's room or the refrigerator door. Another option is to paint funny faces and decorate with plastic or wooden beads that are glued on. The pearls can represent colorful eyes.

Painting with finger colors will give the little great joy
Tips and tricks when making color: You should pay particular attention to order
So that the handicrafts with finger colors do not affect the living room or the furnishings too much, parents should first take some precautions. First, it is advisable to cover the table with newspaper or - if available - a washable tablecloth. Maybe you can also have an old one Hand towel take that you no longer need and that does its job exactly for this purpose. Children usually need a large bib or a cloth with which the upper body can be covered well. Many colors can no longer be completely removed from clothing even when the laundry is hot.

It is advisable to keep wet wipes or other utensils to keep up and swipe when painting. Color blobs quickly land on the floor or the chairs.
Everything prepared? Then the fun can start!
If all precautions are taken, it can start! Let you paint your offspring, let him discover his creativity and see friends with every further handicraft unit. Even more beautiful and detailed pictures are created, which you can exhibit in your apartment in living room, kitchen or in the hallway. Handicrafts with finger colors are a great job that ensures pasture on rainy days. However, you can paint outside in the same way.
We wish you and your little ones a lot of fun!