" Homemade classic game of tag "
For many children, crafting is one of the best ways to pass the time. Creative craft ideas can be realized even with small children. Here we show you how you can make a beautiful, classic game together with your child in no time at all: With a catch cup, your child will be able to keep busy for a long time after the craft work is done.
Crafting with children: Catching cup game
With an individual catcher's cup, not only will you be taking away boredom, but your child's motor skills will also be trained while playing. What's more, a catching cup game is great fun and offers your child a sense of achievement time and time again.
If you remember the cup game from your childhood, you will also know how many attractive options there are for designing the cups. You can decorate them with a great fairytale character or an evil dragon. There are no limits to your imagination here.

2 Children's crafts with beads
Simply develop an idea together with your children. Get the appropriate craft materialsput your idea into practice and then play a few exciting rounds with or against your child. You'll see that it's a simple craft idea with a big impact.
Make a catching cup: Make your own cup game
You only need a few craft materials for a catching cup, so you can make a catching game with your child at low cost. The most well-known catching game, which has been played by many generations of children, is played with a cup that is folded out of paper. The instructions and folding technique are based on origami folding. Experience has shown that this technique can also be carried out well by younger children - even if the help of parents will still be needed from time to time.

Girl making with scissors while her grandmother watches everything
Making paper cups: the craft materials
You will need the following materials:
- slightly thicker craft paper DIN A4 (color of your choice)
- a pair of scissors
- some string (about 40 - 50 cm per cup)
- a glue stick
- Colored wooden balls 12 mm diameter (1 piece per cup)
How to make
- First fold the A4 sheet in half like a triangle and then cut off the excess edge of the paper.
- Place the triangle in front of you with the point facing away from you.
- Now bend the bottom right-hand corner towards the middle of the left-hand side. Always smooth out the edges.
- Repeat the process with the bottom left-hand corner.
- Fold down the small triangles at the top on each side and stick them firmly in place with the glue stick.
- Now cut a small hole in the middle of the bottom of the cup and push the string through it. Secure the ribbon from the inside with two tight knots.
- Finally, tie the wooden ball to the bottom end of the string. The longer the string, the more difficult the catching game. A length of around 30 cm is usually sufficient for small children. Older children can use a length of a good 50 cm.
Design ideas for the catching cup
So that you can realize a great and creative craft idea together with your child, you should consider in advance which figure should be made. How about a goalkeeper catching the ball or a rabbit trying to reach his carrot? Perhaps your child would also like a frog snapping at a fly with its huge tongue? Or a bird laying its egg in a nest?
With a little creativity, you can adapt the catching cup to your child's age group and interests. You can also be flexible with the length of the string: The longer you leave the string, the harder it will be to catch the ball. For small children, it makes sense to use a short string, while for children of school age and older, the level of difficulty can be increased by using a longer string.

Small child threads string through ball
Promote educational goals with a catching cup game

Child with a catching cup game
It is well known that children can achieve numerous educational goals through a wide variety of handicrafts. Collecting different ideas and doing their own handicrafts is an excellent way of encouraging your child's creativity. The same applies to fine motor skills, because if you want to make a particularly beautiful catch cup, you have to put in a lot of effort.
Eye-hand coordination, motor skills, dexterity and concentration are also positively influenced - especially by playing afterwards. Last but not least, the ability to react and the joy of movement also benefit. So there are plenty of good reasons to make your own catching game with your child soon.
Make a catching cup in 2 minutes
Last but not least, we would like to introduce you to a great alternative for a paper catching cup. If you don't have much time for a paper cup, if you're not a real origami fan or if you're planning a quick match against the kids, you can simply repurpose and use a plastic cup:
All you need in terms of craft materials for this is a plastic cup, a piece of threading string and also a wooden bead with a diameter of 10 to 12 millimeters. A hole is also cut into the base of the cup for this version, into which the string with the wooden bead is then attached.