"Craft ideas for a successful New Year"
Whether four -leaf clover, ladybugs, horseshoes or pigs - everyone knows the classic symbols for happiness. Especially on New Year's Eve and New Year, we encounter these motifs almost everywhere. They have a tradition and very diverse origins, some of which are very far in the past. Of course, your child should only return the best for the new year. Crafting a lucky charm is therefore a wonderful idea. We give great handicraft tips to make yourself.Give happiness and faith - even important for the little ones
There are lucky charms worldwide in many cultures and in a wide variety of forms and they are welcome gifts on big occasions. For example, you will be given away for birth, birthday or at the turn of the year. When the next year begins, the time has come to consider new goals or to have good resolutions. But it is also nice to make a lucky charm about important events. Maybe your child is about to start school? A symbol that promises happiness, success and belief in something is quite appropriate on such occasions. Such a gift becomes even more perfect if it comes from the heart and is self -made.

Pigs and four-leaf clover leaves are popular lucky charm motifs at the turn of the year
Find inspiration
There are many wonderful handicraft ideas about happiness. First of all, it is important to collect a few inspirations. Of course there are the classic symbols of happiness that you can adhere to. But maybe you also have very own traditions in your family and a lucky symbol, which is generally not so well known, but is of great importance in your family. In the end, it is only important that you are personally satisfied with the result and can give away something that is very important to you. With our handicraft ideas we would like to give you at least a few inspiring ideas. With different handicraft materials, the lucky charm is easy.
Tinker lucky charms: The most beautiful craft ideas
Make a lucky bracelet yourself
In any case, it is due to make a lucky charm that always accompanies you. What is better than a small, chic bracelet. Such a band can easily be made by your child.

Tinker a small bracelet as a lucky charm
You need the following handicraft materials:
- Thread cords
- Wooden handicrafts
- Lens beads
- Letter cubes
Selection of the colors and shapes for your lucky charm
First of all, decide who the bracelet is intended for. If you know the person very well, then select your favorite colors. Also like in various nuances. If there is no preferred color, you rely on green and bright tones. Green stands for hope and happiness at the same time.

In addition to the colors, the shape of the pearls is also crucial. In addition to the classic, round wooden beads, there are also lentil beads and grooved beads. You can mix all of these pearls as you wish and use it for the bracelet.
Motor pearls and letter cubes
To give the bracelet even more liveliness, use Motivation beads. A heart, a leaf or a favorite animal are ideal. There is also a classic symbol of happiness like the fly fungus.

Now it is important to think about the lettering on the lucky charm. Here is a wish:
- Luck
- Love
- energy
You can use this lettering Wooden cubes design.

Now it is important to bring the pearls and wooden thread onto the thread cord. Children in particular have their bright joy. So please receive your child with the crafting of the lucky charm.
Cuddling cloth with name band
A somewhat extraordinary but no less exciting craft idea is to make a cuddly cloth as a lucky charm for children. To do this, select a suitable cuddly cloth. To give this cloth a personal touch, make a small name chain. All you need is the letter cubes and a maximum of two wooden beads to form a nice degree. Simply put the name chain on the cuddly cloth.

This lucky charm for children is undoubtedly a magical gift and not only at the turn of the year.
Make a lucky pillow yourself - handicraft tips for small pillows
For small travelers or for children in day care centers, it is advisable to make an individually made pillow. The smaller this lucky charm, the better. Because then it can easily be accepted anywhere.
The basics for your lucky pillow
To do this, either use an old, discined pillow or get a little foam. Furthermore, a baby Nscheli in the desired color is necessary. You also need thread cords in a darker color as the cloth.
Crafts quickly and easily made
Place the fabric around the blank in several layers. Then sew the ends thoroughly. Now take the thread cords and "write" a dear wish. This is relatively easy with a simple embroidery technology. In addition, you are welcome to attach a motif pearl on the bottom with the help of a small chain that brings luck.
Good luck for the new year
If you want to make your child or other lovely person happy, then a lucky charm that you make yourself is a great idea in every respect. Give away the most beautiful congratulations in 2018 with exceptional handicrafts. We also say in this regard: Happy New Year!