" Beautiful craft ideas for budding musicians "
Even the youngest children are enthusiastic about music and use every everyday object to make themselves heard or tap out funny beats. Evenrattles are also very popular and are used by babies to make a lot of noise. Crafts are also very popular with children. You can combine the two by making your own children's instruments with your little one. We reveal how to do it.
Making simple children's instruments
As soon as the little ones become more mobile and start to grasp things on their own, anything that rattles and rattles is very popular. If you don't want to spend a lot of money but still want to make an original toy for your little one, you can use an empty plastic bottle and a few colorful beads. craft beads to make a children's instrument yourself. Empty drinks bottles that can be closed with a lid are ideal so that nothing can fall out of the bottle when playing later. As the plastic gives way quickly, the child can grip the bottle very easily and as it is very light, it is very easy to lift, turn and rotate with little hands. When the colorful beads fall back and forth, they make loud noises that encourage the baby to keep rattling. Alternatively, the following are also ideal bellsnoodles, rice or marbles made from glass. Vary the amount of material you choose to create an increasing variety of sounds at different volumes. This way, your child can make music themselves as often as they like and enjoy their new independence.

Drum made from a flower pot
But older children also get excited about music and are happy when mom and dad come up with new craft ideas and put them into practice together. A great idea for rainy days or the next children's birthday party is to make a small drum out of a flower pot. You will need the following for such a children's instrument craft materials:
- a clay flower pot
- a few sheets of colored tracing paper
- a bit of paste
- a pair of scissors
- colorful opaque paints to paint the drum
- strings of wool or leather
- feathers
- colorful beads or bells as desired

Old ceramic pots are ideal for making drums
How to proceed
- First, prepare the paste and mix it as recommended on the packet. It is best to help your child with this so that nothing goes wrong or sticks to their hands.
- Place the clay pot on the tracing paper and add another five to six centimetres to cover the opening perfectly.
- Now coat the paper with the paste and place it on the opening of the pot. The paper overlaps at the sides and is attached to the outside of the pot with the paste. Repeat this with at least three more layers of tracing paper, placing the next layer at right angles to the first and the next again at right angles. This allows the paper to stretch optimally during drying and the drum will sound beautiful. If you like it colorful, use colored tracing paper.

- After drying, the children's instruments can be painted individually. Funny patterns, lots of dots and dots or a few stripes look great and look like the original Indian instruments. Opaque paints are best so that the colors really stand out.
- The top edge of the drum is now decorated with a pretty ribbon. Beads, bells or feathers can be strung on it. If the ribbon slips down, it can also be secured with a few adhesive strips.
Pan flute made from straws
There are no limits to the imagination when crafting with children. It's quick and easy to make great children's instruments from colorful straws. For a flute you need:
- 15 colorful straws
- some plasticine
- some adhesive tape and scissors

Straws for making panpipes
This is how you proceed
- The first straw is shortened to about 15 centimeters and serves as a guide. The other straws should always be 5 millimeters shorter. Always use the scissors together with your offspring and do not let them cut their own straws unsupervised. If you alternate the colors of the straws at regular intervals, the flute will be beautifully colorful.
- Now form small balls from the plasticine and insert them into the straws from below to plug them.
- Now place the straws next to each other lengthwise and secure them with adhesive tape.
- Now you can try to tune the flute correctly, as the pitch changes with the length of the straws. It is best to blow into the panpipe from above at a slight angle to produce a sound.
A simple homemade sieve rattle
Another great way to make children's instruments is to make your own rattles from a tea strainer. To do this, insert various beads or bells into the tea strainer that is no longer in use and close the handle tightly with a colorful raffia ribbon. This way, the strainer can no longer open and the rattling can begin. Try using different materials to vary the sound. The little ones will never cease to be amazed.

Make your own children's instruments, get creative now
Children and babies love music. Even if they don't yet have a keen sense for harmonious tones, they can enjoy spending a lot of time making sounds with children's instruments. If your little one is still too young to play a professional instrument, simply make one together with them. Our craft ideas provide enough input to get really creative with a variety of craft materials.