"Valuable tips for the first visit to the outdoor pool"
Summer is finally here! The sky is bright blue, the sun is shining and what is ideal on such a wonderful summer day? Of course, a visit to the outdoor pool. Visiting a swimming pool with the baby is a real adventure, especially for your little angel. Babies love the water and whoever was already swimming with the Spössling knows how nice it is to splash around! You can find out what you need for a visit to the swimming pool for your baby and what else you have to consider here.
Choose a good time
Vergessen Sie bitte nicht, dass bei einem Besuch im Freibad zig verschiedene und vor allem neue Reize auf Ihren kleinen Schatz einwirken. Therefore, choose a time of day in which the outdoor pool is not yet overflowing.
In the morning and during the week it shouldn't be too full. Babies enjoy excursions when they are full and rested. It is advantageous not to break open during the usual sleeping or meal times. In the swimming pool itself, the little angel can of course keep a nap.

Visit to the outdoor pool
Find a shady place for the day
The sensitive baby skin must not be exposed to direct sunlight. Find a shady spot or take a parasol and a beach shell with you. Apply the baby sunscreen, which has a very high sun protection factor and is also waterproof. Because of course the offspring in the swimming pool want to explore the cool water and swim a round.
Not with full stomach!
This applies to both adults and the baby in the swimming pool. Nobody goes swimming or swimming with full stomach. The risk that the little one would have to spit is great. Plan enough time between the last meal and first gear into the paddling pool. No matter whether you are breastfeeding or already dawned.
Many mostly feed before the house goes from the house to the swimming pool. Then there is enough time.
Step by step into the cool water
An overly large temperature difference is not good for the little ones. Unlike in the swimming pool, the water in the outdoor pool is much cooler. A swimming pool with baby pool is ideal. On the one hand, this is very flat and on the other hand, the water here is significantly warmer. Hold your little angel safely on your arm and explore the cooling refreshment together. Put your child in the water when it is flat enough or use a baby swimming ring. Of course, you should always have an arm ready for security.

As nice as it may be in the water. Your child cools down much faster than you think. Before the lips become bluish, it is quickly called out of the water and into the cozy Baby -baby.
Avoid the plump midday heat
The hot midday heat does not get you or your baby. Try to find a cooler place over this period. Every now and then there are residence options in buildings that belong to the swimming pool. Otherwise, a consistently shady space is now extremely important. Your little treasure will certainly be very tired. Place a thin cloth over your child when it sleeps.

If it is in the stroller, use a thin network that keeps uninvited insects at a distance. The dry one serves as a pad Shower cloth Of their offspring.
Die empfindliche Babyhaut mit Sonnencreme schützen
Der Sonnenschutz für das Baby ist sehr wichtig. Since the sensitive baby skin cannot protect itself yet, sunscreen helps, among other things. A special sunscreen for children under one year has a very high sun protection factor and should of course be waterproof, especially in the swimming pool. Apply sun protection for the baby, especially on the face, neck, ears, arms and legs.

Baby sunbash
Even if the sun shines wonderful, babies wear thin fabrics from light fabrics. These also protect the sensitive baby skin. Not to forget the chic sun hat. A wide brim and a light fabric are an absolute must these days. Even if your little angel plays in the shade, headgear is important. The small feet, on the other hand, are welcome to stay naked. The child can also give some warmth over it.
Drink, drink and drink again
As soon as the sun burns and the temperatures climb up, the need for liquid also increases. Remember to have enough drinks with you. The best thirst quenchers are unscailed tea, fruit spritzer or water.

Fresh fruit and vegetables also donate a little refreshment and provide you with vitamins and nutrients. Don't worry too much if your sweetheart is not so hungry. Every now and then the excitement slows the appetite. It is more important that it is drunk sufficiently throughout the day.
Do not forget diaper bags, changing clothes and cozy bath towels
A day with the baby in the swimming pool begins with good planning. Of course you need significantly more than before. It is helpful to create a small checklist that is then used again at any time. Afterwards we give you a small list as an idea and example on the way. If a baby wants to swim or want to splash around in the water, then several swimming diapers are needed. Don't forget normal diapers either. They are outside the water for the time.

After swimming, cozy bath towels are important, a poncho for snuggling up and a few dry Nuscheli For the little meals. Do not forget changes and in the end it is the little things you should consider.

From the nuggi to the Nuggikette To the little one Drinking bottle and one Snack. Of course, everything fits wonderfully in a diaper bag and the beach bag. Now nothing stands in the way of the first visit to the outdoor pool.
Checklist - it all has to go!
Here is a brief and compact checklist for visiting the swimming pool. Of course, this only serves as an orientation and should of course be individually supplemented by you:
- Beach sheet or large picnic blanket
- Insect protection for the stroller
- Syanel/ beach shell
- Water toy
- Swimming aid
- Baby toys (rattles, sliding animals, small book)
- Bathing towel
- Small and large towel
- Baby -baby
Belong in the diaper bag:
- Swimming diapers
- Diapers
- Wet wipes
- Powder/cream
- Nuscheli
- Nuggi
- Sunscreen
- Insect repellent
- Tick pliers
For the physical well -being:
- Sufficient drinks
- Drinking bottle for the offspring
- Small snacks: apple pieces, banana, cucumber
- Cookies, rolls
- Bush as complementary food