" Hanging play of colors to make yourself "
It sways gently back and forth. Sometimes it jingles softly or rustles from time to time. The many colorful beads turn slowly and the colorful elements captivate your baby's gaze. We are talking about the classic mobile.
But the baby mobile is not a modern invention. For many, many generations, parents have been using these seemingly magical moving figures to bring a little joy to their little ones. The hanging play of colors can also be found in many cultures. It has started its triumphal march around the globe, which continues to this day. Of course, some things have changed over the years. But the basic principle has remained the same. Various motifs, materials and objects are attached to a base frame, which the baby's full attention is drawn to by gently turning and moving them. The lighter the materials used, the livelier the baby mobile will be. You can easily make your own floating mobile using the appropriate craft materials.
From what age is a mobile suitable?
You can hang such a toy above the crib or changing table immediately after birth. As your little sunshine will not be able to see clearly in the first few weeks, it is best to hang the baby mobile at a height of between 20 and 30 cm above the baby.

A mobile can be hung up immediately after birth
As soon as the little diaper wearer becomes more active and lifts his arms and legs, it needs to be hung a little higher. The ideal height is one at which the child cannot reach on its own. This should always be borne in mind for safety reasons.
Why are mobiles so popular?
Mobiles for babies are one of the first and most popular baby gifts ever.
Unlike a grasping toy or a push toy, mobiles are exclusively for passive use. In other words, it merely attracts the child's attention. The different shapes and colors that you can make are interesting and seem to cast a spell over a baby, especially in the first few weeks. With wide and watchful eyes, it follows exactly what is going on there. The baby mobile also helps to strengthen and promote vision. There are various options for where to hang such a mobile. In most cases, of course, it is placed above the crib. As a sleep aid, it ensures that your little sunshine can fall asleep calmly and relaxed. As soon as the little one wakes up, it is the first thing that comes into view and the child is initially distracted.

Mobiles are not only a popular toy above the crib
But mobiles are not only a popular toy above the crib. They also provide distraction above the changing table. Especially when changing diapers, it is very convenient for mom and dad to distract their little angel with something. Mobiles equipped with little bells are therefore recommended for the changing table. The gentle ringing will also delight the little ones.
DIY crafts - great ideas for making a mobile yourself
It's not that difficult to make a mobile yourself. All you need is a little imagination and, of course, the right craft materials. Before you get started, first think about what kind you want to create. We will now give you three suggestions to choose from if you don't really have an idea yet:
Rods or rings as a basic framework
Use light, simple wooden sticks as the basic framework for this model. You can use classic craft wood, which you can buy in any well-stocked specialist store. Now assemble the basic frame according to the instructions so that you can attach the different shapes to it.

You will find out which variations are possible a little later. To make a baby mobile, you can, for example, use the largest possible wooden rings and half rings as possible.
From motif beads to little bells
Once you have the basic structure ready, it's time to add the finishing touches. Let your own ideas and wishes guide and inspire you.
One thing is certain right from the start: in the end, you will always hold a unique piece in your hands. Things made with love are always unique and as one-of-a-kind as your child.
The wooden rings or half rings are available in a wide range of colors. Combine them to your heart's content. The half-rings can be used to create wonderful circles or you can use them to make a kind of snake interspersed with different beads.

When threading the individual craft materials there are many options available to you. For example, you can create great motif or wooden beadslbuyhang up little bells or integrate small fabric stars. Motif beads give the whole thing a very warm touch.

If the mobile is to hang over the baby's crib and serve as a sleeping aid, avoid using too bright colors and too many different elements. If the mobile you are making is to hang above the changing table or playpen, then it can attract a little more attention. As the mobile moves gently, small bells are a popular element to add a little more energy to the floating work of art.
Mobile with a name - a wonderful gift idea for a birth
Friends and relatives give many useful gifts for a birth. However, personalized baby gifts for birth are heartwarming and a warm-hearted gesture to the new parents. If you are making a mobile, you can of course also use letter cubes as craft materials available to you.

Use these cleverly. However, if the little one's name is still a secret, you still have the opportunity to add letter cubes to the motif beads. Simply write a loving synonym, such as angel, treasure or sunshine. Personalization turns a homemade baby mobile into something very special.
You can also make them together with older children and enjoy the time.