"Crafts the decoration and toys for children from the stable material"
Stable, versatile and yet soft and cozy - that is characterized by felt. For these reasons it is asCraft material also very popular. With the material you can not only make beautiful decorations, but also toys and useful objects for children. We show great handicraft ideas with felt that will certainly please your children.
A look at the story
Many handicraft materials have become so self -evident that only a few ask where they originally come from. In order to learn more about the felting, we have to travel very far in history. According to myths and legends, felt existed by 3,000 BC. However, this could not be documented. The first well -preserved felt finds lead you to Asia. 400 v. CHRICTIONS and clothing have already been felted there. According to assumptions, the felt technology was brought to China via the caravans and finally managed through the lively trade to Greece and the rest of Europe. In the Middle Ages, the felt technology peaked. To date, this valuable material is often processed. No matter whether it is made yourself or used as a finished product for tinkering and decorating.
Filing with children is not difficult
It is not rocket science to make fertilizer from wool. Toddlers and preschool children can quickly learn and carry out this technology under supervision. Several positive aspects are combined. On the one hand, children learn patience, fine motor skills and concentration. On the other hand, children experience what happens when wool is smoothed, pressed and stroked in combination with soap water. If you want to wet felting with your children, then you need the following materials:

Filing wool in different colors
- Vlies wool (as untreated as possible in different colors)
- Olive soap
- Hand towel
- Base
- Bowl with warm water
- Shell with water and vinegar
Before the handicrafts can start with felt, put a waterproof surface on the table as a precaution. Then each child can place their bowl, pad and materials.
In the first step, take a grater on hand and rub the soap into the warm water. So it dissolves easier and faster. Make sure that the water always stays nice and warm. Because it doesn't work in the cold water.

Filzen is not difficult at all
The desired amount of fleece wool is now being picked up. This must be immersed in the water and then rubbed between the soap hands. This technique matters the wool and ultimately this textile material felt arises. Finally, always rinse in the vinegar water briefly and put it to dry.
A useful tip:
Do not use lubricating soap or detergent. This is not good for the sensitive skin of the children. Fasting soaps, such as the above -mentioned olive soap, are very suitable. For small children and beginners, the fleece wool mentioned for tinkering is perfect as an introduction. This matters very easily and quickly.

Olive soap is ideal for felting
Child -friendly craft ideas with felt
Felt balls for chains and garlands
No matter whether decorative pieces or jewelry are made. The wet felting basically always runs according to the same scheme. It is certainly a completely different and new way to tinker. Because here the actual handicraft material is finally made. If you want to feel, then of course there are very different ideas to choose from. Let's start very simply: with felt beads. In addition, you only need Wooden beads and Thread cords.

First of all, put a piece of woolen plate. Now pluck the edges so that the fibers loosen and the wants to be matted more easily. Now the wool is immersed in the middle of the soap water. However, only slightly moisten. With your hands you then start shaping a ball. This is always moistened slightly and continuously designed to a firm shape. You have to gradually increase the pressure so that the ball becomes firmer. If this appears too small, a second layer can be placed on it.

In this way, different balls are created in different colors. These are wonderfully suitable as the basis for decoration and jewelry. Small children can now thread these balls with colorful wooden beads alternately to chains and garlands.
Finger dolls to play
Crafting finger dolls from felt is not much more difficult, but of course requires a little more skill. The little ones can either try their own fingers alone or reach their goal with their help.

Filz finger dolls
The desired color fleece wool must first be placed around the finger. Then a second location across it and again a third location at the end, as at the beginning from top to bottom. With the free hand, the wool gradually press around the finger with soap water. First gentle and later with significantly more pressure. Continue this process until the Filz finger doll is finished as a blank. Rinse the piece in the vinegar water briefly and put aside for drying.
Last but not least, the imagination decides how this finger puppet is further designed. With finished felt pieces, eyes, beak or mouth can be attached with the help of a felt needle. Here the child's imagination and preference of the child clearly decides. In this way it is possible for you to create different dolls.
Decorative tinkering with felt
But not only jewelry or small toys can be made with the felt technique. Loving decor for the children's room is also possible. There are also different levels of difficulty here, so you decide for yourself which your child can already realize.

Homemade felt decorations
For beginners, making small coasters in the form of fruit and vegetables is recommended. Simply form the desired amount of fleece wool this time into a ball or doll, but simply form away through pressing, smoothing and kneading into a solid plate. Then simply cut the selected shape, for example an apple or a pear from it and already hold a pretty decoration for the kitchen in your hand.
Tinker vases from old bottles and felt
Disused bottles are very versatile and can still be embellished with the felt technique. Basically, the process is comparable to the work steps to the finger doll. Only in this case the finger is not wrapped, but the used glass bottle.
In order to get more variety into the game, different colors can be used this time. The result is best when the colors overlap.

So their felted vases could look
Create layer by layer of the wool around the bottle and apply the felt technique. Wash the end result well again, let it dry and finally put around the bottle. The construction can then be attached with a thread cord.
As an additional decoration, simply make a few small wooden bead chains that can also be placed around the bottle belly or neck. A beautiful and really unique vase was created.
Crafts with felt is also suitable for children's birthdays
Potters, stool dance and egg run are fun. But how about using the next children's birthday party or the upcoming, rainy afternoon to felt with the children? In any case, a varied and very exciting job for children of all ages.