"More creative handicrafts from Zwergehuus"
They are among the oldest handicraft materials:Handicrafts. All passionate handicraft children appreciate the versatile advantages of these small and yet so beautiful balls. In addition to chains and bracelets, decorative pieces worth seeing are also designed. We show more great ideas!
Always a trend: tinkering with pearls
A look beyond the box shows that both Wooden beads as well as pearls from other natural materials in all conceivable cultures have always been used as jewelry and handicrafts. Even in today's modern times, they are indispensable and guarantee for a nice time together.

Many have made in their childhood and now that they themselves are parents, the focus is on such simple things as handicrafts. Now you have the opportunity to inspire your children for tinkering. The little ones in turn love craftsmanship and enjoy the time together with their parents.
The variety of craft beads
A look at the world of pearls shows that there are a variety of very different starting materials from which the popular handicraft material is made. Wood pearls are especially the favorite for children. Wood is a natural raw material that also convinces haptically.

Wooden handicrafts have good properties and radiates a certain warmth. Whether as Letters or numbers cubes, Motivation beads Or elliptical as a lens - wood convinces in a simple and beautiful way.

Of course there are a variety of other types of pearls. Pretty new and are also quite popular, for example Crochet pearls From cotton yarn. Other popular versions of handicrafts and other handicraft utensils are available in acrylic or silicone.
Time together - children love to be creative
As parents, you face a lot of tasks every day and have a close schedule professionally. Leisure time is precious, the more important is to fill them with joy and life.

Create something together with your children. Craft beads for children are wonderful for this. Use different sizes, colors and motifs. Your offspring can initially sort the handicraft beads for children by colors. Then the design is usually easier because a better overview arises.
Even the little ones can help them.
Enjoy the time together and create small and large treasures together. With the handicraft beads for children, you can also create motifs and figures in addition to simple jewelry.
The classics - bracelets and chains
When it comes to tinkering with pearls of all kinds, most children start with a nice necklace or a bracelet. The entry is great. Girls in particular find joy and become incredibly creative over time. The nice thing is that you can already make the smallest chains and bracelets. A large selection of wooden beads and motif beads ensures sufficient variety. The more colorful, the better.

Crafting those classics has the advantage that it does not take too long. Smaller children in particular can take the first tentative steps towards creative design without having to deal with a project for hours. So if you want to make something nice from wooden beads together with your offspring, start with chains and bracelets. Incidentally, this is also a nice game idea for children's birthdays and other children's festivals.

Handicrafts - from wall decorations to personalized gift ideas
At first, like to be inspired by other cultures. Many high cultures have already created priceless treasures with jewelry beads. We will give you a few incentives and handicrafts on the way:
Figures and animals
To design figures or animals with wooden beads, you need a thin wire and the desired handicraft beads. It is easy to start with a simple figure. Over time, you can venture into heavier and more compact shapes.

Normally, the parents form while the children are threading. The process is always the same later. Let's start with a fish. A relatively simple form that is ideally suited for the beginner.
You need:- Craft wire
- Various handicraft beads in different colors and sizes
Bend wire
First bend the wire in the middle to the point. Now thread the desired pearls on both sides. Then provide one of the two sides with more jewelry beads and place the longer side by 90 degrees. This gives you a triangle. Disconnect the protruding wire.

Thread pearls
After the tail fin is finished, it now goes to the fuselage. They proceed in a similar way. First form a slight curve and let it run pointed at the other end. Now you can gradually thread the handicraft beads until the entire handicraft wire has disappeared. Now close the ends.

Put together fish
Connect the tail fin and fuselage with the help of a small piece of wire and you have already created your first figure.
Wall jewelry
A little lighter, but still no less demanding, wall jewelry can be created. Here, too, you can rely on wire to design the basic body. In addition, thread cords are now well suited to set small accents.
You need:
- Craft wire
- Thread cords
- Motivation beads
- Various handicraft beads in different shapes and colors
Forms and threads
Form a circle with the wire. Start filling this with the wooden beads. In this way, continue with two other circles with a smaller diameter and close it at the end.

Connect rings
First put the three circles into each other. Take a little wire again and decorate it with motif beads. Different lengths are required for the wire. On the basis of the distances of the individual rings, you can capture the lengths. Leave them sufficiently at both ends, because they now serve as a connector between the individual rings.

Decorate the cords
Thread the desired pearls on the cords and thread the cords to the outer ring. Your individual wall jewelry is ready.
Keeper with pearl jewelry as a gift idea
No matter whether for baby games or birthdays. A nice gift idea is always in demand and necessary handicraft material, you can find here. The handicraft ideas about beautiful motif beads offer you many options.

For a personalized cloth, for example, you need the following handicraft material:
- Take cloth uni
- Fread cords in the right color
- Various motif beads and letter cubes
Put on
First lie down the desired pearls. If you want to bring in the child's name, you need the corresponding letter cubes.
Sew the thread cord to the cloth
Verknoten Sie das erste Ende der Fädelschnur und beginnen Sie nun diese mit zwei Stichen am Tuch zunächst zu befestigen.

Verzieren und Vernähen
Fädeln Sie nun die Schmuckelemente in der gewünschten Reihenfolge auf. Now sew the end and an priceless piece of jewelry has already been created. If you want to attach several such small jewelry chains, go in the same way.
Handicraft materials from the dwarf
With our handicraft materials, children can create an incredible number of great gifts together with their parents.
Starting with Greiplingen to nuggikettes to bracelets and decorations for diaper cakes. You can of course find everything you need to do so in the usual high quality in the dwarf shop.