" Glittering and colorful crafts "
Crafting with the kids is an experience for every family. Moms, dads and the children can really let off steam creatively with a wide variety of craft ideas. This promotes communication with each other, team spirit and fine motor skills. The interests of the sexes often diverge considerably when it comes to imaginative crafts. So today we're presenting some colorful and glittery craft ideas that are especially suitable for girls.
Create the right conditions
Creativity requires space and materials. So create a large area where you can work without any worries. This could be a table with a washable tablecloth, for example. If you would like to make something with all of your daughter's guests on her birthday, we recommend spreading out one or more old sheets on the floor.

With the craft supplies you should think in advance about the direction the crafts could take. Girls usually love craft beads and anything else that can be made into jewelry. That's why in this article we're primarily presenting craft ideas for girls with beads. Storage boxes are a great way to ensure that the little beads don't disappear under the nearest cupboard. Here, each child can see exactly which motifs and colors are available. The boxes can be passed back and forth as a whole and the likelihood of losing a ball is reduced.

So make sure you provide enough stimulating craft accessories. In addition to the beads themselves stringsscissors, fasteners and other items that we list in the respective craft instructions. Here we go!

Craft ideas for girls: a name bracelet
Making your own name bracelets makes every girl's birthday an unforgettable experience. At the end, every little guest will take home a very personal work of art. The production itself is very simple. All you need is
- letter cubes
- Colorful craft beads that are roughly the same diameter as the letter cubes
- string (cut to length by the meter)
- Click fasteners

Make beautiful bracelets
Now have each girl cut a sufficiently long piece of string. It should fit comfortably around the wrist and still protrude a good bit. For particularly long names, a name chain is also a good alternative. Each girl now has to collect all the letters for her name. They are placed in the middle of the bracelet. The colorful beads follow in front and behind until the bracelet is well filled. The clasp is variable. The ends of the cord can be knotted so that the bracelet fits over the hand. An alternative is to use click fasteners, which you fix to the ends of the string with a knot. Cut off the excess thread. The little work of art and gift is now finished!

Making a wind chime with children
Wind chimes are one of the most versatile craft ideas for girls. The shape, color, size and design are limited only by the craft supplies available. You will need the following items for this version of a colorful, glittery wind chime:
- Empty toilet roll
- nylon thread
- pointed needle
- colorful beads
- little bells
- Watercolors, colored paper, ...

Girls crafting with cardboard
The last point is deliberately left a little open, as there are various ways to decorate the toilet roll. This is also the first place to start. Let the children paint the roll with watercolors or cover it with colored paper or glitter. Then you will need a piece of nylon thread about 20 cm long. First, a small bead needs to be threaded onto it. Double the thread on the needle and pull it through the cardboard from the inside to the outside at the bottom end of the roll. The small bead holds the center of the thread on the inside. Now the girls can thread beads over the needle onto both threads as they wish. Finally, they tie a little bell to the ends of the thread. This prevents the beads from slipping down again. You can now attach about four to six of these threads all around. At the top end of the roll, pull a nylon thread through the cardboard at two opposite points using the needle. The ends must be knotted tightly. This thread serves as a suspension. A small carabiner on the string makes it easier to attach it to curtain rods, branches or hooks. It is best to make several wind chimes with your children for a cheerful jingle of bells.

Colorful dream catcher
A Native American dreamcatcher is another craft idea that will make a birthday a fun experience for the children. Have these craft accessories ready:
- Ring with a diameter of at least 15 cm or smooth, thin branches
- Colorful string
- beads
- feathers, small cones, ...
You can use either a ring or small branches as a starting point. A long, flexible branch can be bent into a ring. The crossing point must then be tied well. Alternatively, a triangle, square or polygon can be knotted together from several branches. The first step is for the youngsters to wrap a string around the frame. This can be done quite roughly or with very tight cords so that the material of the frame itself is no longer visible. Now the string is stretched across the frame in a criss-cross pattern. It is fixed to the frame at various points with a loop. Beads can be strung along the way. It looks particularly pretty with striped beads, for example.

Once your child is happy with the stringing, tie the end of the thread to the frame. Now attach small strings of beads to the bottom half of the frame, just like the dream catcher. Attach a safety bead, a feather or a small cone to the bottom end of the string. Add colorful craft beads or crochet beads as desired. crochet beads as desired. The upper end is then attached to the frame with a knot. Now all that is missing is a string for hanging. The ends are knotted to the left and right of the top half of the frame.
Traditionally, dream catchers are hung in windows or doors. They are supposed to keep bad dreams away from the sleeping person.
These were just three of many possible craft ideas. You can fill whole hours with them on a girl's birthday or on days with bad weather. Finally, we would like to give you a little tip: It's great fun for the little ones if the adults themselves also get involved.