"Homemade gifts for Omi, aunt and uncle"
Handicrafts with children are nice in every season. But especially at the run -up to Christmas, this gathering gets a special magic. Because now it's about tinkering Christmas presents. There are an infinite number of nice ideas. Among other things, we will show you what you and your children can do to give joy.
"Happiness is the only thing that doubles when you share it."
A quote full of truth and a guiding principle that is not to be forgotten, especially at Christmas. Because nothing is more sincere than sharing joy with other people. Christmas is getting closer and thus also the desire to hand over his dear pretty Christmas presents. While almost everything can be purchased today, homemade gift ideas are increasingly in focus. Use the wonderful pre -Christmas season to make Christmas presents yourself - with children of all ages.
Tinker Christmas gifts yourself
Often a great effort for tinkering is not necessary. Take a little time and think together what you look out great handicraft materials could make. In order to tinker with Christmas gifts yourself, little preparation is usually required. Finally, the fun of it is important.

Tinker loving Christmas gifts with the child
Before you start making Christmas presents yourself, first get the most important utensils and handicraft materials you want to use.
For our gift ideas you need, among other things:- Thread cords
- Craft beads in different sizes and colors or Motivation beads
- Nuscheli
- Crafting home
- Hot glue
- Scissors
- felt
Craft ideas for the little ones
The younger children, the easier the specifications should be. After all, even the little ones want to make the Christmas presents as much as possible. A little help from mom and dad is of course always allowed. Here are two nice ideas that you can implement together:
Hands on the cloth - a real unique table
They grow far too quickly and to capture the wonderful baby period in a very special way, give away the hands of your children on a Nuscheli. And it is so easy:
- Choose a suitable Nuscheli
Choose a Nuscheli in the desired color. Light colors are suitable.

- Use fingermal colors
To get a nice impression from the little hands, use finger paint colors. These are harmless and can be easily removed. Paint the palms with the color and put the print in the middle of the Nscheli. In addition to the hands, of course, the small feet are also welcome to leave a lasting impression.

A Nuscheli with the handprint is a very loving gift on grandparents and relatives
- Complete the date and name
With a fabric pen you can write down the year and the name of the little angel.
- Put in a frame
So that it also looks like a Christmas gift in the end, put the cloth in a suitable picture frame.
It is of course great for grandmas and grandpas if the whole grandson is immortalized on a Nuscheli.
Tinker your own Christmas gifts - thread pretty chains or personal key rings with pearls
Wood pearls are wonderful for tinkering with children. How about a nice chain for grandma or the aunt? Now the favorite colors are of course important. At this point, help your child to select the right handicraft beads. The youngsters themselves determine the order of how the chain is ultimately threaded. After all, it should be a gift from children's hand in the end. As for the length of the chain, they prefer to be a little more generous.

A self -made necklace is certainly well received by the aunt
Great accents can be set by lentil beads. Using different sizes also makes the chain appear more lively.
In addition to a nice chain, a bracelet can be threaded. Here you are welcome to let your imagination run free. With the help of Letters For example, the word grandma can be integrated into the bracelet. This chain is also a wonderful type of keychain, which can basically be tinkered in the same way

Christmas tree decorations as a Christmas present
Decorative pieces of jewelry matching the season offer a high potential of magical craft ideas for the offspring. Christmas tree decorations made of pearls cannot only be made. It is also an priceless memory.
The Christmas gifts are also making a lot of fun children and parents when the gift is still used many years later. Tinker small jewelry for the Christmas tree with your children, because it doesn't just have to be bullets that decorate the tree.
You need this:- Thread cords
- Wood pearls in the classic colors white, red and green
- Bell
- Make small chains
Cover the desired handicraft beads. Be sure to use different sizes here. Nowaen the wood pearls either alternately between the three colors or also gladly. In the end, set a small bell as a highlight.

Somewhat larger children can also become a little more creative when threading and thread certain patterns.
- The trailer
Since this pretty chains are supposed to decorate the Christmas tree later, they simply put on a small hanger with the help of the thread cords.

Winter magic - create a picture of many craft materials
The classic among the gifts for the grandparents are hand -painted pictures. With a little creativity you can give the whole thing a little more shine and liveliness. Images from different handicraft materials are perfectly suitable for being made by siblings. Depending on the age, there are different work steps and in the end there is a unique unique piece. We use the following materials for our Christmas present today:
- cardboard
- green felt
- Yellow Nuscheli
- Small wooden beads
- Finger -colored
- Design the background with finger colors
The little ones among the artists can first let off steam on the cardboard with their finger colors. A nice background should be created. Therefore, bright colors are ideally suited so that the other elements can later settle well later. Ideal are light blue or white.
The size of the picture can be completely individual. You are welcome to cut out the cardboard beforehand or round. In the end it looks more interesting.
- Decorate the sun with pearls
Cut a circle from the rest of the cardboard. Glue this circle with soft fabric. Here you can prefer to use a yellow Nuscheli. Let it dry well.

Larger children now beautify the sun with individual craft beads. Simply thread this along the edge.
- The Christmas tree decorated with pearls
Cut out a Christmas tree. Simple contours are sufficient here: a rectangle for the trunk and one or more triangles for the crown
The little artists can now make the trunk with finger colors. The crown, on the other hand, is first glued with felt and later the tree is nicely decorated with individual pearls. To do this, simply thread the pearls as you like.

The little ones can design the background with finger colors
- With personal greeting
Last but not least, letter cubes offer to write a small dedication on the picture. Everything you have to do for this: choose a few nice crochet beads and the corresponding letter cubes.
Start with a few pearls. Put a pearl between each word to separate the words from each other:
"For - pearl - grandma - pearl - and - pearl - grandpa"

Take enough time and prepare everything well, because at Christmas not only should the children's eyes shine. With these wonderful gift ideas, it will also be an unforgettable festival for the grandparents, aunts and uncles.