
SILICONE star gift set

Color Nuscheli *:
Font Nuscheli *:

Font color Nuscheli:

If no request is made, we will adjust the color accordingly.

Name of the child *:

This is a required field

We can incorporate a maximum of 8 letters. We use the German alphabet for the silicone letters, umlauts such as ä, ü, é etc. are not possible.

Nuggi attachment to the chain:

Das Halstuch farblich dem ausgwählten Nuscheli angepasst und mit dem Namen bestickt.

Delivery in 3-8 working days from Warehouse


This super sweet gift set not only delights Baby's heart.
This gift set is lovingly handcrafted for you and is a wonderful gift for birth, baptism or baby party. Thanks to our sweet nuggikette with names and silicone pearls, the nuggial arm for mommy and dad has finally come to an end! The nuggi stays where it belongs. In addition, the child gets a personalized Nuscheli to cuddle.

Product properties
  • Nuscheli embroidered with motif and the name of the child
  • Nuggikette made of silicone personalized with the child's name
  • Greipling made of silicone with the child's name

The Nuggikette and the Greilfing are adapted to the selected Nscheli. We use the German alphabet, umlauts such as ä, ü, é etc., are not possible for the silicone letters.
The Nuscheli has a size of approx. 60x60cm and is made of 100% cotton.


Extras and design:

  • On request, a silicone ring and/or a bell can be attached to the chain
  • In order not to exceed the maximum length for nuggikettes of 22cm, only a limited number of letters can be incorporated for safety reasons
  • Depending on the length of the name, we reserve small deviations in design
  • Unfortunately, we cannot take into account numbers or not listed umlauts

Our nuggikettes and grayfishes are made of BPA-free silicone.The products used are manufactured according to EN 71-3.

  • Sweat and saliva festival
  • color right
  • pollutant -free
  • 100% free from BPA

Security and Quality are at the top when manufacturing our products. You benefit from us from many years of experience And we guarantee you for first -class quality! The nuggikette is in loving manual work made in our studio in Switzerland. With the delivery of your order you will receive our Security and care instructionsthat can be read and note.

Shipping & delivery

The delivery times are usually 1-4 working days. These are guidelines and not binding. Due to production or delivery bottlenecks and public holidays, delivery delays can occur.

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