
Diaper embroidered feet

Name of the child *:

This is a required field

A maximum of 8 characters are possible. International characters are unfortunately not possible with some fonts, we use the German alphabet with ä, ö, ü, é, è, ï, ë

Date of birth *:

This is a required field

Font *:
Additional accessories:

Font color *:

This is a required field

Delivery in 3-8 working days from Warehouse


The perfect gift
This sweet, embroidered diaper is a personal and unique memorial. With the motif, desired name and date of birth, it is a wonderful gift for birth, baptism or his birthday.
The embroidery color can be chosen freely, the loop is adapted to the selected embroidery color.
Since the diaper only has a limited space to embroider, the font size can be small depending on the length of the name.

Product properties

The following products are included:

  • 1x diaper of the Pampers brand (size 3 / 4-9kg) embroidered with motif feet, desired name and date of birth


In the shopping cart you have the option of having the product packed as a gift and if desired add a greeting card. The product is then packed transparently in cellophane and delivered with suitable ribbons. If the gift packaging is not chosen, you will receive the product delivered loosely.

Shipping & delivery

The delivery times are usually 1-4 working days. These are guidelines and not binding. Due to production or delivery bottlenecks and public holidays, delivery delays can occur.

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