Tassen & Becher mit Name
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A super cute gift for small dwarfs ...
Our individually personalized gift set is lovingly handcrafted for you and is a wonderful gift for birth, baptism or baby party. Thanks to our sweet nuggikette with names and wood pearls, the nuggial arm for mommy and dad finally ends! The nuggi stays where it belongs. If the child does not use a nuggi, a bite trailer can to be attached to it. This sweet gripper made of wood promotes the motor skills of the little ones.
Extras and design:
All components and accessories of our nuggikettes/gripping areas are of course free of pollutants, sweat and salivation and meet the requirements according to DIN-EN-ENE 71-3 and 12586.
Security and Quality are at the top when manufacturing our products. You benefit from us from many years of experience And we guarantee you for first -class quality! With the delivery of your order you will receive our Security and care instructionsthat can be read and note.
The delivery times are usually 1-3 working days. These are guidelines and not binding. Delivery delays can occur due to production or delivery bottlenecks.