
Necessaire springs light gray

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Delivery in 3-8 working days from Warehouse


Our necessaire are lovingly handcrafted in Switzerland and are the perfect companion for the first weekend trip or the holidays. The necessaire offers space for the toothbrush, brush and much more. With the name personalized, our Necessaire is the perfect gift for small adventurers. The outside consists of a colorfully printed fabric and a plain -colored fabric. The inner lining is made of a light gray cotton fabric.

Product properties
  • Material inside and outside: 100% cotton
  • Size: approx. 25 x 16 x 8cm
  • With a zipper to close
  • 1 large inner compartment
Shipping & delivery

The delivery times are usually 1-4 working days. These are guidelines and not binding. Due to production or delivery bottlenecks and public holidays, delivery delays can occur.

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