When your baby cries

" Causes, reasons and tips for calming down "

It's the middle of the night and your baby suddenly starts crying. Your heart is beating fast and you wonder what is wrong with your child and, above all, what you can do now. An infant's crying is a form of communication that you as parents will come to understand over time. There are numerous and above all very different reasons that cause your child to cry. Here you can find out how you can calm them down and, above all, what triggers them.

The basic needs: Hunger, closeness and clean diapers!

Your baby will cry and cry often, especially in the first few days and weeks. It is the only way to get your baby's attention. Always remember that a baby cries because it wants something from you and not because it wants to annoy you. In the first five months, crying is not yet a deliberate cry, but merely a desire for attention.

When the little hunger comes

You have to imagine that your little darling had a kind of all-round care until birth. In the womb, there were no fixed times for feeding. Suddenly, however, the child has to make itself known when it feels hungry or thirsty. This sometimes happens quite loudly.

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© yanlev / Fotolia.com

Therefore, try to breastfeed your baby as often as possible in the first few days. Patience is of course required here, but it pays off. If you are unable to breastfeed, prepare the bottle feed accordingly. A midwife will be happy to advise you if you have any questions.

The diaper is full!

Has your little one just had a feed and is still crying their heart out? Don't worry! Sometimes a full diaper can also be the cause of this annoyance. A wet diaper is uncomfortable and irritates your baby's delicate skin. You can soothe your baby by simply putting a fresh diaper on him.

Closeness and warmth are extremely important

If the diaper is fresh, your little one has had a drink and still doesn't want to calm down, it may simply be longing for some closeness and comfort. After all, it was cramped and warm in the womb and now everything is so incredibly big. Many people still use swaddling today, i.e. wrapping babies very tightly. Give it a try. Beautiful baby blankets make your little one comfortable and warm. Your little angel will feel snug and secure in them.

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© lumenphotos / Fotolia.com

Since the clock is still completely foreign to your little one and he doesn't yet know a real day-night rhythm, it may well happen that in the middle of the night he feels the need for a little more closeness. By the way: the scent of your skin and the sound of a heartbeat are the first things you can use to soothe your baby.

Soothing babies with the pacifier

Sucking is an innate reflex. First and foremost, it ensures the survival of your child. On the other hand, this reflex has a calming effect. As babies cannot suck on their mother's breast all the time, soothers or pacifiers are indispensable companions. Whether during the day or at night. If your child is fed but is still unhappy, give him a soother to calm him down.


Today, these are shaped in such a way that they cannot damage the jaw or later the teeth. Sucking a pacifier releases certain hormones in the baby that slowly calm him down. In the first few days and weeks, your baby is literally flooded with stimuli. Always keep this in mind. Before the birth, everything was dark, voices and noises were muffled and, as already mentioned, there was a 24-hour supply. Now everything is louder, brighter and completely different. An incredible change for the newborn.


As parents, you must always remember that it is your child who first has to find their way in the new world. Every day your little treasure learns new things and achieves an unimaginable feat. A pacifier will always help if your baby is simply overwhelmed and overstimulated. For problems falling asleep and even for discomfort.

Nuggies and necklaces are part of the initial equipment and make a wonderful gift

Make sure that you preferably have more than one soother in the household. Especially at night, the search for a pacifier can be a real ordeal. If you are out and about with your newborn, use the unique dummy chains from our store. These prevent the pacifier from getting lost. This usually happens quicker than some parents would like to believe.

A matching dummy chain is excitingly colorful, feels interesting and prevents the dummy from falling on the floor or getting lost. A pacifier chain with name is also a great gift idea.

When the first teeth appear

You certainly can't remember when your first teeth came in. Unless your wisdom teeth came through when you were a young adult, in which case you can put yourself in your child's shoes a little.

One thing is a fact: it is painful when the teeth make their way through the tender gums. It is also normal for your child to cry. Look carefully at the jaw if you are not sure whether it is really the teeth. The first teeth break through in the lower jaw. This is followed by the upper incisors and so it goes on.

When babies are teething, they will increasingly feel the urge to chew on something. Teething chains or teething rings can help with teething. They give the baby the chance to bite on something to facilitate the eruption of teeth. You can also use teething necklaces to soothe your baby and give him a little relief.

Nuscheli for salivation

While the teeth are erupting, it is also a good idea to have a nushy to hand. The flow of saliva increases dramatically, so you don't have to constantly change your clothes when they get wet. Put the teething necklaces in the fridge for a short time every now and then, as cold teething necklaces calm your little one down more quickly.

Digestive problems - when it pinches in the stomach

Not all toddlers tolerate the change in food. While some seem to eat their first porridge effortlessly and tolerate the combination of breast milk and bottle milk well, other babies suffer from the change in diet. This is noticeable in the form of flatulence and cramps.

You can soothe them by using a cherry stone cushion or grape cushion and place it wrapped in a muslin on your child's tummy. Circling movements over the tummy will also relieve it. Of course, the pacifier can also be used here.

Is our child a cry baby?

Many parents are afraid when their baby cries and obviously cannot be soothed. Most people immediately think of three-month colic. This is not a disease, but rather a description of a condition that usually occurs around the second to third week of life.

© Aliaksei Lasevich / Fotolia.com

© Aliaksei Lasevich / Fotolia.com

Many speak of so-called regulation problems. In other words, the baby cries because it can't really cope with the change. Unfortunately, parents can only counter this condition with a lot of patience, love and calm. A crying baby is a baby who cries excessively for more than three hours at a time at least three days a week.


A crying baby does not mean that it is unhappy or ill!

Every child is individual and unique in its development. So trust your instincts. After the first few weeks, you will be able to understand and interpret the different cries. Your baby is crying to make contact with you. It is neither defiance nor anger, but just a new way for you to communicate. Soothe your baby with lots of love, closeness, warmth and the occasional dummy.

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