" Musical fun for the whole family "
"Bake, bake cake, the baker has called" - everyone knows these simple nursery rhymes and songs and even the very youngest children eagerly try to repeat their parents' words in the right rhythm. Babies and toddlers love to practise singing together with their parents and that's a good thing, because after all, singing together really does encourage your baby. But where does this elementary fascination of children for such rhythmic rhymes as well as play and children's songs come from and how can listening to and making music together promote the child's development? We'll tell you in the following lines.
Music is good for children!
Basically, everyone is born with a musical talent, but many simply lose this gift because it is not sufficiently stimulated in childhood. Whether in the car, in the bathtub or in front of an audience - even adults occasionally show off their singing talents, even if they are less gifted. Children naturally have no inhibitions in this respect and it can be observed that singing boosts their self-confidence immensely, especially in the very youngest children. If a child particularly likes a song, it is usually sung all day long, no matter where and how loud. It is precisely this behavior that shows that the child has a lot of confidence and is developing extremely strong self-confidence.
Music surrounds our lives. It starts with the first baby rattlewhich sounds very interesting. It continues with a beautiful baby music box that helps us fall asleep and doesn't end with lunch, when we put our children's cutlery and children's dishes as our first instruments.
Singing with children is therefore not only fun and trains the gift of improving vocal skills, but also automatically reinforces the little ones' self-confidence. Even before a baby can speak its first words, it tries out the various sounds and tones that it can produce with its own voice. It is an important and particularly great experience for the little ones when they realize that they can also use their voice specifically for speaking and singing.
Singing with children: Promoting language development through nursery rhymes and songs
Singing together with children is synonymous with emotional affection. When parents and toddlers practise singing together, they share their authentic emotions with each other and adults can relate to their children on an age-appropriate level by singing together. This naturally has a hugely beneficial effect on emotional bonding. The toddler is picked up by songs at his or her stage of development and draws out exactly the amount of sensory stimulation that he or she is able to process.
Nursery rhymes and songs promote language development
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute were able to prove in a study on a ten-year-old boy that the linguistic development of young children is significantly promoted by musical training - the more intensive and earlier, the better.
It is therefore important that you discover the fun of music together with your offspring - even if you consider yourself to be the non-musical part of your family and discover little talent in your offspring. The little ones simply love it and don't really care if not everything sounds perfect and balanced.
Singing with children makes them happy and gives them stability
Current findings from brain research show that singing together releases oxytocin and melantonin as well as happiness messengers in children's brains. The happiness messengers are responsible for deep feelings such as loyalty and love as well as for bonding. Melantonin, on the other hand, is a messenger substance that regulates a person's healthy wake-sleep rhythm. Children's songs therefore give the little ones a deep feeling of happiness and contentment.
Mother and daughter have fun singing
They also give children a sense of stability, as the lyrics of the rhymes and sayings always sound the same and always have the same structure. The words do not change and after five lines there is always the chorus, which the little ones can of course sing along to by heart. This clarity gives your little one a feeling of security and safety.
Rhymes and singing promote intelligence
There is also scientific evidence that singing together makes you smarter. A research result from the University of Münster shows that toddlers and kindergarten children who sing for around 30 minutes a day perform significantly better in school entry tests than boys and girls who rarely or even never practise singing. Music is therefore an important part of education.
Unfortunately, however, fewer and fewer kindergartens and daycare facilities are rehearsing rhymes and songs, as music has unfortunately no longer been part of the training of educators for some years now. It is therefore essential that parents make up for this considerable deficit and train singing and thus linguistic and social skills together with their offspring.
Your baby loves noises and sounds!
You can't start early enough in your family to introduce your offspring to singing and dancing. If you carry your baby in your arms, you can dance with them, let them listen to music and sing along to the lovely nursery rhymes whenever you feel like it.
Even the littlest ones love melodies and sounds
If your baby is around six months old, it will already be trying to translate the sounds it hears into movements. It will probably bob its little feet, nod its head or rock back and forth with its whole body. As soon as your little one can stand, they will of course try to dance straight away.
Most little ones can already sing or retell their first rhymes and songs at the age of two to three - and they can do so rhythmically with relative confidence. Even if they are not quite so sure of the words yet, they will always sing and hum along when they feel like it. Between the ages of three and four, the little ones can usually sit still for a while and listen intently to the singing in order to memorize a song. Four to five-year-olds can usually keep time and know the lyrics to their favorite songs.
Conclusion: Singing with children
The use of the voice is of profound importance for your children. As a parent, you in particular have an important role model function in the family in this regard, because even babies love children's songs, rhymes and spoken texts. Sing along with your little sunshine whenever possible, as this will not only help your child to develop vocally, but also emotionally and in terms of self-confidence.