"Great storage for the first small fortune"
The little boy proudly holds its first coin in his hands. His eyes shine and with awe, the coin is now moving into the Kässeli. It is the first to be given and there will still be many episodes. Small children certainly do not yet understand all the important relationships that exist around the topic of money. But they are well aware that it is something nice to collect the small coins and save them on them.
The first money box - Kässeli for children
A money box for children is important because the little ones can keep their first real treasure. It certainly takes time, but little by little it will be more coins and the sound when the savings cans are shaken slightly, you remember a long time. The full the money box became, the more intense the sound became when shaking. From initially bright tones to finally to a full, almost dull sound. The time was closer that it had to be emptied.

The way there is exciting for the offspring and every small coin finds its way into the savings box. It is also a good time for you as parents, because now you can gradually start to teach your offspring what it means. Learning to deal with money is of course important and laid an essential foundation for how later it will be handled as an adult.
Did you already know?
As early as the 2nd century before Christ, finds showed that people put their coins aside and actually collected them in containers that are quite comparable with modern money boxes. It is therefore a cultural and historical tradition.

Beautiful selection: a money box for children with individual design
Of course, a child's pardon not only looks chic today. It can even be personalized. In other words, you can too Spard doses with names their children. First of all, however, it is important to choose the right motif for the Kässeli. They are often faced with a large selection. No matter whether animals, stars or rockets. There is the right design for every child. Of course, you will experience the unforgettable sound when the coins are thrown in with every money box.
Gift tip:
You are still looking for a pretty Children's or baby gift for birthday or for the first day of school? How about a money box for children? Even if it already has a Kässeli. A second can never hurt. This means that a money box can be used to save the pocket money later and the other children's parotitus to collect money gifts. Even so, the younger ones can learn how to deal with money.

Role model function: economical parents as a mission statement
From time to time, parents fail to recognize that they take a great role model. It is not only the upbringing that shapes the offspring. The coexistence within the family is also decisive. So also the handling of the dear money. Young people and young adults will be able to deal with finances significantly better if they have learned it from their parents. Saving learning begins in infancy. Even if the extensive knowledge of it cannot yet be conveyed. The more toddlers learn that the cuddly toy or the delicious sweets must of course also be paid with money, you will also understand that the Kässeli may have to be emptied for children for special wishes. The following tips help you as a parents to deal with the topic of money.

Sonior parents as a mission statement
Income and expenses
Explain briefly and if possible with a few technical terms that money is earned every month and that this will be spent on very different things. It is important here that not all of the money is only used for beautiful things. In order to be able to afford something except for the series, you have to save. How good that mom and dad also have a little kässeli. It is certainly an advantage if you have a small money box somewhere that you also throw in something. This is how your offspring sees that you also have to wait a little until you can fulfill a wish.

No advances
"But I want the game now!" At some point, parents are faced with such a situation. Stay strict and consistent. You also receive no advances. Some wishes need patience and time.
Wishes need your time!
The sense of saving can be explained well when the full money box is emptied and then a toy or a nice book is bought with the child. Your child learns in such a way that it is worth spending a little patience and saving something nice.

We need their time
Rent and give - give little friends
There is certainly no point if her offspring want to spend an ice cream for his best friend or best friend. This is also part of it when it comes to explaining the topic of money to children. It is certainly a nice experience to see when the eyes shine and both lick the ice. In return, it is all the more gratifying if the friend donates a round of gummy bears the next time you visit.

Pocket money: From what age and how much should sack money be paid?
Whether there will be pocket money or not should not be up for debate. Rather the height. Of course, this depends on the income of the family and should be in a healthy relationship. Even if you were able to pay significantly more tack money, you better stick to the guidelines. Experts advise you to pay pocket money to the youngsters at the beginning of the school. First weekly:
- School year: CHF 1
- School year: 2 francs
- School year: CHF 3
- School year: 4 francs

Little boy with 20 francs
- From the 5th grade you can switch to a monthly payment. This is an average of between CHF 25 to CHF 30.
- and 8th school year 30 to 50 francs
- From the 10th grade between 50 and 80 francs
Basically, children may have free pocket money. This is the only way to learn how to use the money correctly and with a money box for children, in a way lay a first foundation.