" The first day at kindergarten "
With big, round eyes, the child looks at the gate that leads to the kindergarten. The little heart beats wildly and a mixture of curiosity and a little fear makes itself felt. It clutches the hand of mom or dad tightly and dares to take its first step. A small step in the eyes of strangers and a gigantic step for you as parents and of course for your child, because a new and important phase of life begins. We want to explain how to make this step a little easier!
The settling-in period
Don't be afraid! No one will demand that you take your child to kindergarten overnight. Before this time begins for many little ones after the summer, there is a so-called settling-in period. This means that you and your little one can get to know the kindergarten before the actual first day. This will ease their fears and, of course, you can be there as parents during their very first visit.

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Get to know the new environment, the teachers and the children. This will give you a better idea of what it's like when the little heroes tell you about their adventures. The windows and doors, which are usually decorated with great care, will help to alleviate any initial anxiety. Your little one will now take everything in with an alert eye and explore the new surroundings.

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It all starts in the wardrobe, where there is a fixed place for every little one. This is where the street shoes are swapped for something more comfortable. This is also where not only the jacket hangs, but also the kindergarten bag. It will become a very important companion from day one.
What belongs in the nursery bag?
Many young parents ask themselves what belongs in a child's bag. Teachers often provide information on this, as it can vary from one institution to the next. However, a few things always belong in it and these are the personal items of clothing, the lunch box and the cuddly toy or cuddly toy.

Especially in the first few days, the cuddly toy or cuddly toy will become an important attachment figure in a figurative sense. They are familiar to the child and give them the security of not being alone and having a constant companion.
And the lunch box doesn't have to look boring either. You can either choose a nice lunch box together or give it as a gift on the first day of kindergarten. The lunch box becomes something special if you personalize it with your child's name, for example.
What should a nursery bag be able to withstand?
A children's bag has to withstand a lot. Over the course of time, it will often fly, end up in the dirt or be misused from time to time to settle disputes between other children. It also becomes a hiding place for treasures collected during the day.

In addition to chestnuts, twigs and leaves, a child's bag also collects stones and things they have made themselves, as well as one or two messages from the kindergarten. The children's bag must therefore not only be hard-wearing, but also roomy. In addition, the closure must not be too complicated. After all, 3-year-olds must be able to open and close the bag without help.

As the nursery bag will not just be hanging on a hook, but will of course be taken on outings, the carrying strap is another important criterion to consider. Ideal are kindergarten bags that are adjustable. They grow with the child to a certain extent and can therefore be used for a very long time.
How does the children's bag become something special?
As the children's bag will be used every day, it should be something special and make them want to go to kindergarten right from the start. First and foremost, it is important that your child can identify with the bag. The choice of motif and design are therefore very important. You know your child best and know very well what your offspring likes. While little girls might love mermaids, boys of kindergarten age find cars and construction site vehicles incredibly exciting.

The highlight, however, is a kindergarten bag with a name. This makes it something unique. Little heroes may not yet be able to read the name themselves, but just knowing that the kindergarten bag has their name on it is a source of pride. What's more, many children as young as 3-5 years old recognize the memorized letter formation as their name. Personalized children's gifts, such as a kindergarten bag with a name or a lunch box with a name, are also a wonderful gift idea for relatives and friends if they want to contribute something to the big day.
How do I take away the fear?
After taking off their shoes and getting to know the group, many children start to feel anxious. Everything is very loud, the children are still such strangers and the teacher is not as nice as Grandma. This is all completely normal. However, take your child's concerns seriously. Skill and sensitivity are now required.

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Make sure you convey the impression that kindergarten is something special. A place full of imagination and stories, where there is something new to discover every day. Parents are not allowed to play here. Only children are allowed to. Or tell us about your first day there. Whether you remember it or not. Talk about how you also had a queasy feeling in your stomach, but that you met your best friend on the very first day. Rhapsodize about the exciting stories that were read to you to put you to sleep and the exciting excursions you went on.

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The settling-in period is not just a one-off visit. Your child can visit the kindergarten for one or two hours or even take part in breakfast. If the child will be there all day in the future, it is beneficial to have experienced a nap once or twice beforehand.
Take away the fear of loss
Most children suffer from a fear of loss. This is normal, as they are separated from mom and dad for a longer period of time when they start kindergarten. As parents, you need to keep reassuring your child that you will pick them up and that kindergarten is a wonderful place to play and have fun.

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Fears will quickly disappear once trust has been established with the teachers and other children. Parents usually suffer more than their children. Even if there are big crocodile tears in the morning, as soon as the little ones are distracted by games and singing, the sorrow is forgotten.
The big day has arrived
Kindergarten is no longer the big strange place, the teachers already know your child and some of the children are no longer complete strangers. Celebrate the day as something extraordinary.

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Give them a kindergarten bag with their name and favorite motif and fill it with the most important things: a few items of clothing, their favorite cuddly toy and of course a lunch boxwhich also bears the name. You will certainly find it difficult to keep your composure when you drop your little one off at nursery and kiss them goodbye. It's the same for all parents! But you will get used to it over time.