"Simple craft ideas that are suitable for small children"
Pünktchen, dot, comma, strain, the moon face is done. An old children's rhyme for the little ones and their first, artistic attempts at walking. "Being creative" begins in delicate toddlers. Colorful towels, branches and different colors are perfect ingredients if small children want to tinker. From simple and fewHandicrafts Little masterpieces are created. We give you helpful tips and suggestions for simple tinkering with small children. Many beautiful and above all simple craft ideas should help you get creative with your children.
Positive effect on development
Simple tinkering with children has a decisive influence on many important development steps of the little ones. Above all, it is fine motor skills that are enormously promoted when tinkering. Support your child with a little more difficult tasks and always give positive impulses when one thing is well done. Children feel confirmed in their actions in this way. This in turn strengthens your personality and self -confidence.

Paint children with educator in kindergarten
Incidentally, children learn about light handicrafts how beautiful things can arise from a few materials. The imagination is initially asked when the different materials are in front of the small craft heroes. Es ist durchaus hilfreich, ein Muster parat zu haben, damit alle Bastler einschätzen können, was am Ende entstehen kann. Of course, deviations are not a flaw, just the result of individual creativity. Ultimately, simple tinkering with children also trains the ability to concentrate. An essential basis for the further life.
What should be paid to when tinkering with children?
Crafting with small children naturally requires your supervision and assistance. Although small children can already work independently from the age of two years, not everything does not work without help. You also have to pay attention to the handicraft materials. Sharp edges, toxic colors or too small objects do not yet belong in the hands of the little hobbyists. Pearl are a popular handicraft material. However, they are less suitable for dwarfs under the age of three. Now it is important to provide the table with a base and equip the little artists with a pretty apron before you can finally start.

Small girl when painting with water colors
Simple handicrafts for the little ones
Toddlers don't have as much perseverance and patience yet. It is therefore important to implement simple projects and light craft ideas. Motifs and inspirations are particularly popular from nature when it comes to simple tinkering with children. Here you can also find craft ideas that can be easily implemented. Use the next walk to collect a few small branches, stones and leaves. In any case, you can use this for one or the other project when tinkering with your children.
1. Creative with colors
In infancy, the offspring still explores many things with their mouths. It is therefore important when dealing with colors that they are non -toxic. Finger colors or colors on a natural basis are popular.
When buying, make sure that you buy appropriate products:

Potato print
The potato print
For our first project we need the following material:
- potatoes
- White Nuscheli
- different colors
The potato print is one of the first and probably the simplest craft ideas. To do this, cut a potato into different shapes. There are no exact circles, triangles or square. Rather, make sure that the pieces remain big enough and can still be held well by small hands. To do this, place the fabric in front of your child. Now dip the potato piece into the desired color and press it onto the fabric. In this way, different patterns or even small pictures are created.
Finger color images colorful on paper plates
The finger colors are ideal for the little ones. Place a maximum of four different colors to choose from. That is enough. Now dip the little fingers in the desired color and paint on the paper plate. Feel free to try it out and let your child get creative with the brush on the paper plate.

Children play with finger colors
2. Egg carton - versatile possibilities
Everyone has at least one egg carton in the household. These are simply wonderful for tinkering. Previously cut out the individual containers and then put them to your child to paint. Decide in advance what could arise:
- Small caterpillars
- Ladybug
- Rabbit
- Cats
For the ladybug, for example, the container is painted with red color and provided with black dots. The sensors are created from chenilled wire, which they attach. In addition to small animals, great collages can be glued from the box. This time the individual containers are also designed in color and then glued to a large cardboard.

Egg carton
This is a nice project that you can realize together with older children. Natural materials such as branches and leaves can also be used here.
3. Simple craft ideas with paper
Take old magazines, newspapers and crepe paper on hand. Your child can now enter small pieces to their heart's content. These are then shaped into small balls. That requires a little skill. On a paper previously coated with glue, the snippets are now put together into an image. A lot of imagination is required here. Instead of paper, take a paper plate as the basis. This time only crepe paper is used. Ideally only two colors. Always stick the paper balls in a circle from the outside. A train red and a train blue, for example. This requires a high level of concentration. However, many little artists have grown this task.
4. Papper rollers and fabrics
Soft fabrics and cardboard rolls are the perfect handicraft material for toddlers.
As a precaution, you'd rather highlight an empty cardboard roll for the next handicraft afternoon.
Small inkfish
For the squid, take an empty toilet paper roll and have it painted with blue color. Simply stick on two wobble eyes and cut the roll several times at the bottom. In this way, the ink fishing tatters are created as out of magic. Different colors can be used to create imaginative sea creatures.

Colorful birds in the spring dress
Color the cardboard rolls here. Even use small paper balls made of crepe paper to beautify. The beak is easily created by cutting a small piece of colored paper so that it folds up a triangle. Place the beak, paint a few eyes and attach crafting springs to the ornament.
Imaginative sun made of stripes
Cut different strips from different fabrics. Brush a larger piece of cardboard with enough glue. For better orientation, it is best to glue a circular fabric in the middle. From there, the children can alternately put on the strips of fabric. This creates a wonderfully colorful sun.

In fact, there are numerous craft ideas, which can easily be implemented with small children. It is important for you as a parents that you always support your child to do it yourself. This is the only way to learn the little ones and experience progress.